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First few loads - issue

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So I started reloading recently with the simple Lee Loader kit. I'm reloading 223 and have subsequently upgraded to the Lee Single Stage Press kit, but haven't set it up.


Going back to the loader round...I loaded six bullets total, and a couple will not load fully i.e. i cannot close the bolt on the rifle. I have since checked some empty brass prepared using the loader kit and found that they were a touch long. Trimmed them back, tried again, still not fitting. Resized again, still won't fit. Length of the case is 1.750 inches and the case has been resized using the loader die...


The overall length doesn't seem to be the issue as on one of the bullets I have seated the round much deeper than the others just to see if thats causing the problem. My guess was the collar was in some way restricting the case in the chamber. Is that solved by crimping or could it be something else.


Or...is it something that simply won't happen on a proper press set up correctly?!


Any help gratefully received.

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Sounds like it's too tight in the chamber and you're not resizing it enough. If it was a primer not in fully I am sure that camming the bolt would push that in fully. Sounds like you have sorted out the seating depth so unlikely that, you would also have a jamed bullet, but that would be obvious. A case thats not been resized would need too much force on the bolt to enable it to close fully. My bet is not resized.

I am not familiar with your press or choice of dies but your case needs to go in a tad further.

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Cheers Dougy, the kit I've used on the problem loads only resizes the neck of the case, whereas the setup i'll be using fairly soon is a full length resizer, so if thats the issue, hopefully that'll rectify it.


It is though you will only know for sure once you have full length sized. What happens is the case when fired expands to an exact fit of your chamber (so tightly you could never extract it) , it then quickly cools and shrinks back a tad allowing you to work the bolt and extract it (this is why stiff bolt lift or difficult extraction is a sure sign of too much working pressure).

Some guns will have slightly more generous chambers than others and these rifles tend to need greater amounts of FLS(this is a good reason to avoid buying once fired from another rifle as FLS only sizes nearly all the case back to spec)

I always FLS for some guns, though one should avoid pushing things too back to far as this can lead to other problems when the round is fired.

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wanted to load 5 this morning so out of interest got the Lee loader kit out ..

found that if I neck size and knock the case out with the decapper rod it 'flared' the mouth just enough not to chamber.

Good explanation from Kent ...

and each gun seems to differ as much as the load and butt nut .. tho the last is probably the most uncontrollable variable.

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When I look at the cases they do all seem to be flared a little, and I don't think there's a way of fixing that with the loader kit. I'm assuming the bullet seating die I've got with the press will 'unflare' if that's the right word!


One question though, with the six rounds I've already got loaded, if I run them through the bullet seating die, will that potentially fix those rounds?

Edited by jimmyb79
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Not sure I'd force a loaded case into a L.Loader to reshape it .. even at reloading 101++ level?

Are you certain what the problem is?

Best option = disassemble and start again if you have a bullet puller/hammer.

If you are certain it's at the case mouth then the crimp die in the pacesetter kit MAY cure it.

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