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The only caveat to what has already been said is if you are using Beretta Optima chokes. They do 2 skeet chokes, a red banded European skeet which is a negative constriction, more open than their cylinder choke and the bore and a purple banded USA skeet choke which is more like a normal standard skeet choke.


Usual caveats about cartridges used affecting pattern but using the standard red banded skeet choke that comes with Beretta's optima bore should (according to the marketing) give a more open pattern than their cylinder like for like.


Edit: But then I have never really bought into the negative choke hype because as soon as the shot leaves the barrel it becomes a big negative choke, but it cannot not pattern any tighter due to being more open.

Edited by timps
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That defies logic.

They are indeed positive "constriction". Makes no obvious sense but there must be a reason. According to Midwest Gunworks the USA skeet choke (purple) is .727" which is -5 thou, whereas the European skeet choke (red) is .759" which is +27 thou.

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that extra inch or so of negative constriction as opposed to the negative constriction of fresh air as the shot leaves a cylinder choke must make all the difference! ;)

I agree it seems utterly pointless.

Edited by Dibs
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