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Having a cuppa this morning noseying on PW and noticed a rat on back patio having a sniff around. Not seen one this close to the house before or during day light hours.


Will the set the cage trap tonight and see if I can catch the swine.


Just ordered a fenn trap and tunnel, hopefully will arrive tomorrow. Save shooting them and not catching curious hungry birds.


Just wondering what the best bait is?


Last time I used peanut butter on bread, with limited success, any ideas?


Don't have the luxury of living in the country and we are surrounded by other houses. I think it may be my neighbour next door feeding the wildlife, he is, well let's just say he bats for other side, no problem with this but he is a bit sensative and thinks every living being deserves a life.


In the real world most of know this is not really acceptable and I don't want my 2 dogs picking up a disease from the rats.


Any advice appreciated

Edited by lexikia
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Peanut better can be a good bait to use. I've mixed poison in with it the past and every bit has always been taken.

There will be more than one around as you probably already know. You could baiting your trap for a few weeks.


Good luck

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I've always had good luck with peanut butter.

I've mixed poison in with in in the past. I've also used mars bars in the past too. Mixed corn has worked in the past as well.


Rats love bird tables and people who feed the wild birds. So any one local to you doing this will be helping to attack them.


Good luck.

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If the neighbour is feeding indiscriminately like that, then you might want to consider contacting environmental health. Inform them that you've seen ratty, and that the guy feeds, and you are concerned for kids/dogs/budgie/grannies budgie/etc, blah, blah ... and ask if someone could have a chat with him about it.


Of course, this only works if there's a number of neighbours. If it's just you, then open fire on the rats. Make sure that you inform of of what you are doing, and why. Preferably with phone in your pocket set to 'record', just in case he gets bolshie.

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I'd worry about my dogs picking up a poisoned rat but I've used bait stations before & they are very effective


Caution is always required, but as you used the right bait boxes you have no need to worry.


Secondary poisoning in cats and dogs is virtually impossible. A couple of commonly used "poisons"


Difenacoum Toxicity ..... mg per Kg body weight

Rats 1.8

Dog 50

Cat 100


Bromadiolone Toxicity .... mg per Kg body weight

Rat 1.125

Dog >10

Cat >25


The number of dead (poisoned) rats a cat/dog would need to eat to ingest enough poison by secondary poisoning is way to high. It could not happen in any situation I could imagine.


Cats/dogs do get poisoned but that will almost always be down to them eating the bait directly, because people do not use the tamper proof, species specific boxes they should!


And remember, the moment your cat/dog/rat stop eating the bait (poison) they start getting better, that is why empty bait boxes lead to immunity and people saying it didn't work!



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