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ive been shooting now for just over six years with my dad and always keep track of what ive shot and weather conditions and what crops im shooting over in a diary. just wondering if anyone else does the same thing and what numbers they shoot in a year

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I've kept a diary since 2006 - I too wish I'd started sooner. I usually make a note of anything unusual or funny that happened during a day's sport.

There are many that shoot more, but I tend to shoot between 2000 and 3000 pigeons a year, these days.

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I started to keep a 'Game Book' in 1978. The 'comments column' in which I have noted location, amusing incidents, good shooting, poor shooting, weather conditions, exceptional company etc is more important to me than the 'bag' column.


My pigeon shooting expeditions are recorded in my annual diaries and I often look back to see what was happening in the pigeon shooting field, numbers of birds, crops being attacked etc.

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I have kept records of the pigeons I have shot, but it has been several years since I have put every bag down. I keep the receites from the game dealers because that's where most of my pigeons end up, and at the end of the year I can add them up and that will tell me more or less what I have had . My shooting diary I keep for wildfowling is now getting towards the end of its journey, as I am beginning to find it hard work, having said that last year I gave September a miss for the first time in over 50years and shot my first duck in October and by the end of the season I had nearly 70 entries in the diary and I only put something in the diary when I bring something home , blanks don't get a mention if they did I would have to put something in every day of the season , sometimes twice and I have known when I have been three times in a day , morning flight , evening flight and took my punt out under the moon all on the same day , but now with medical help and old age creeping on I am slowly being weaned off but hopefully I will give it one more season........I have said that as long as I can remember. :lol:

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I have not kept a record of what I have shot for a number of years now , I can recall my best year was close to 5000 birds but I was shooting at least two or three days a week at that time.

With the digital age now here I tend just to have photos to jog my fading memory.

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