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After the shooting over the last few days/weeks, TB is pushing for a Firearms reveiw!!! Now who will this affect?? The gun weilding gangs or people like us!!!!


The ban on pistols and automatic weapons only affected law abiding people, so now what will they do??


Not looking good from what i heard on the news :blush::blush::lol:

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its a ****** joke most of the guns on the streets are mp5s modified brococks and blank firing pistols, do you see any one walking down the street with a .243 NO. At the end of the day why should the goverment reveiw the situation on FACs thats not the problem the problem is all the migrants in the country having these wepons and bring them into the country. If migrants can get in the country easy and undetected how many ilegal wepons are there. sorry if thats harsh but thats how i feel. :blush::blush::lol:

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There will be a knee-jerk reaction, exactly as there was post Dunblane, in order to pacify the "general public" and to send out a message that something is being done about the problem.


This time, forewarned, the responsible associations we belong to should be readying themselves to work for their membership fees and defend us responsible honest shooters.


We all know gun crime isn't committed with licenced firearms, the figures speak for themselves, but this "general public" we keep hearing about don't want to know about that, any measure that means less guns of any sort is likely to have massive public support right about now.


God this annoys me :blush:

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After the shooting over the last few days/weeks, TB is pushing for a Firearms reveiw!!! Now who will this affect?? The gun weilding gangs or people like us!!!!


The ban on pistols and automatic weapons only affected law abiding people, so now what will they do??


Not looking good from what i heard on the news :blush::blush::lol:


The obnoxious NuLab Blair crew will look for any excuse under the sun to make life difficult for shooters. The Lib Dem nambies would be even worse and I have no faith at all in Cameron's Tories. Britain is fast becoming unliveable.


Expect to lose ALL guns soon my friends!

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After the shooting over the last few days/weeks, TB is pushing for a Firearms reveiw!!! Now who will this affect?? The gun weilding gangs or people like us!!!!


The ban on pistols and automatic weapons only affected law abiding people, so now what will they do??


Not looking good from what i heard on the news :blush::lol::yes:


The obnoxious NuLab Blair crew will look for any excuse under the sun to make life difficult for shooters. The Lib Dem nambies would be even worse and I have no faith at all in Cameron's Tories. Britain is fast becoming unliveable.


Expect to lose ALL guns soon my friends!


:blush: on this one.

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We can do something about this, and by that I don't mean voting another lot in, as has been said they all pander to the majority in order to get votes so that they may mismanage and otherwise swindle us out of our hard earned.


We can lobby our MP's, parliament and so on, and we will have to be organised and persistent. We can do it though, we need to stand as one, not as a bunch of disjointed and unconnected disciplines - we need one voice and it needs to be loud and clear. The justification for any unilateral ban simply isn't there in any statistics or study, and that my friends is how we can fight this, if it comes.


Waiting until it comes is too late, we need to do it now.


Makes the CPSA's cowardly and backward stance of trying to distance themselves by changing their name even more aggravating than b.liar's lot screwing us into the ground to appease the masses who to be honest couldn't see sense if it was knocked into them :blush:

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For the latest: Blair wants gun crime age reduced.


The prime minister has ordered an immediate review of all of the laws surrounding the possession and use of guns and will call a summit of ministers and the police to talk about how to challenge gun violence.


Hope the various shooting organizations are getting ready to fight for us.


The number of people injured by firearms in England and Wales has more than doubled since 1998


That statistic itself should be the basis for re-classification for pistols.



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After the shooting over the last few days/weeks, TB is pushing for a Firearms reveiw!!! Now who will this affect?? The gun weilding gangs or people like us!!!!


The ban on pistols and automatic weapons only affected law abiding people, so now what will they do??


Not looking good from what i heard on the news :blush::lol::yes:


The obnoxious NuLab Blair crew will look for any excuse under the sun to make life difficult for shooters. The Lib Dem nambies would be even worse and I have no faith at all in Cameron's Tories. Britain is fast becoming unliveable.


Expect to lose ALL guns soon my friends!


Same as we are losing our Navy etc. How the hell are we going to protect ourselves should the worst ever happen... go running to the US? I dont think so!!! :lol:

At the present rate of military decline if the **** did hit the fan a few of us already familier with firearms may just be useful..... wouldnt you agree Pike? :blush:

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The 5th amendment has its roots behind the war of independence from the UK. The army was made up mostly of volunteers with their own arms, if it wasn't for them then America may not have won. They made the 5th Amendment to ensure that if they ever needed a partisan army ever again then it would be there as it worked so well before. It is also said that the founding fathers seen that government perpetuates its own power and by allowing the public to be armed then takes ultimate power away from the government who have this tendency to abuse their power. A good idea to me, however we in the UK have no such rights and cannot expect anything else but the eventual confiscation of all weapons held by the public. I personally don't see it developing in any other way.

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After the shooting over the last few days/weeks, TB is pushing for a Firearms reveiw!!! Now who will this affect?? The gun weilding gangs or people like us!!!!


The ban on pistols and automatic weapons only affected law abiding people, so now what will they do??


Not looking good from what i heard on the news :blush::lol::yes:


The obnoxious NuLab Blair crew will look for any excuse under the sun to make life difficult for shooters. The Lib Dem nambies would be even worse and I have no faith at all in Cameron's Tories. Britain is fast becoming unliveable.


Expect to lose ALL guns soon my friends!


:blush: on this one.


Talk about Knee Jerk Reaction !!!!

I would expect this responce from Labour not from fellow shooters. Perhaps you should give up now :lol::lol:

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The 5th amendment has its roots behind the war of independence from the UK. The army was made up mostly of volunteers with their own arms, if it wasn't for them then America may not have won. They made the 5th Amendment to ensure that if they ever needed a partisan army ever again then it would be there as it worked so well before. It is also said that the founding fathers seen that government perpetuates its own power and by allowing the public to be armed then takes ultimate power away from the government who have this tendency to abuse their power. A good idea to me, however we in the UK have no such rights and cannot expect anything else but the eventual confiscation of all weapons held by the public. I personally don't see it developing in any other way.



but its not us thats doing it,take our guns away but the killing will still go on they take there guns but more come in there hands.

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The 5th amendment has its roots behind the war of independence from the UK.


The 5th?

You mean the second I presume?

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

Most of the amendments actually trace back to our Magna Carta and Declaration of Rights, both of which are technically still in force.

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Listening to the news tonight and it would appear that the main thrust of any new laws would be directed at criminals.

As the law stands anyone under 17 who is caught with a gun doesn’t get a very severe sentence (if any :good: ), which is why some of the more hardened criminals give their guns to youngsters to hold and carry for them until they need them. This way they aren’t caught in possession of an illegal gun and the youngsters get ******-all in the way of punishment for carrying them. :D

It is being suggested that the laws should be changed to allow these “under 17s†to be convicted and given the same sentences as the people who’s guns they are carrying.

Wouldn’t hold my breath though, because you can be almost certain that some “new labour†bleeding heart will be up-in-arms if a 16 year-old black youth should be sent to prison for carrying a machine pistol for his big brother. :good:


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