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Red diesel


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Not seen this freeman movement. Nothing private anymore. Oh well, I will fight my battles as they present themselves. I cant foresee me letting people helping themselves to access. Its almost like you don't really own anything and are powerless to complain. Be boring if we all agreed on everything and didn't oppose things. Thrust upon you doesn't make it right, called rape by the establishment under the guise it is for you and your nations benefit. Right I'm off to my tax haven island now funded by the sale of what is now white diesel. Joking of course, its two islands.

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You can remove the dye but the diesel has a chemical marker that you can't get out,if you get dipped they take it into

a mini laboratory by the roadside and can tell straight away,in fact there was a rumour that the dye is going all together

As said in my previous post getting the dye out is easy, the chemical marker stays in but the diesel is not tested unless you have previous for running on red.

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Driving back from a fishing weekend, I pulled into a smallish agricultural village's petrol station to fill up my Multipla. Filled up and walked into the garage's shop (which also appeared to double up as an agrochem supplier) I was asked by the yokel behind the counter:"Red or White?". I wasn't very quick on the uptake and didn't *actually* grasp what she was going on about "Red or white" she asked again with emphasis on red, I still wasn't comprehending "Red or white?" she screamed again I still wasn't getting it "Just normal diesel I replied". It was only when I was a few miles down the road that I realised what she was asking me. What an idiot.

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You can disagree all you like but HMRC can and do carry out random tests regardless of suspicion of guilt. They have that power and do it every day to business owners and self employed. They can also test in your absence, if you hinder this you can be charged with obstruction.


Believe me if I could tell HMRC to do one I and every business owner in the land would do it. HMRC may enter any premises except private dwelling houses to inspect, test or sample any fuels or oils be it in a vehicle or elsewhere. So unless you park your vehicle in your front room of your dwelling a warrant is not needed.


An act is law otherwise how would anybody be prosecuted under the firearms act it’s the basis of law.

You will have your day in court to argue what you did was not obstruction but refusing a dip is going to be seen as obstruction all day long as it would have been tested without your interference and refusal.


Try your argument on refusing a breath test and see how long you keep your licence regardless if you had been drinking or not.


HMRC have more powers than the police to carry out their duties.



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