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Anyone had a visit yet from the police?

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Its obvious that some are little unsettled by this development . May i suggest that maybe these views/concerns should be passed on to your shooting sports representatives . As this is just going round and round . Surly it would do better to put it to them instead of falling out . If we as a group are not happy . They should know about it . ITS WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR .

every time we as a group put BASC ect ect in the "dock" for something they haven't done . There defence is ALWAYS "well no body told us "

Well nows your chance .

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Its obvious that some are little unsettled by this development . May i suggest that maybe these views/concerns should be passed on to your shooting sports representatives . As this is just going round and round . Surly it would do better to put it to them instead of falling out . If we as a group are not happy . They should know about it . ITS WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR .

every time we as a group put BASC ect ect in the "dock" for something they haven't done . There defence is ALWAYS "well no body told us "

Well nows your chance .

There are a lot who would have to join one of the organisations before they could complain to them.

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There are a lot who would have to join one of the organisations before they could complain to them.

Very true mick .


But they can hardly be the "voice of shooting " if they cant hear us .


Just my opinion .

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This has always been and will continue to be, our downfall. However, having said that, even with 100% shooter/association membership we remain such a small minority as to be politically insignificant.

Also very true but ..... its all we have . Until something better comes along . Its not ideal but certainly 100% better than not saying or doing anything . Again just my opinion.

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Forget obligations . Its the people who are already members . They need to be shouting from the roof tops . EVERY TIME something /anything is said or done that concerns us as a body . There should be a bit more back bone buy us ! A bit more of the " dont **** with us" attitude . We always make us sound like victims . And 9/10 times thats is how we do end up . They dont put up with this state side . And before anyone says "yeah but thats in the usa " .so what . Why cant we have a true voice . As a nation were so busy quoting rules and regulations. Thats fine but has no one relized . No else in matters like this seems to be playing by them .

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blimey... all this huffing and puffing... asking fellow PWers to answer your questions RE this stuff, almost demanding an opinion/answer.... *** have you been smoking?! if its that important to you ask your FEO, how can forum members armed with the same information as yourselves give a definitive answer.... or is this the usual PW egotistical chest puffing to prove some unimportant/irrelevant point?


Yet another thread goes to the dogs.

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Just why do you need my opinion, or anyone's, the Quote refers to the Legal position, what has anyone's opinion got to do with this?


I think everyone else got the idea 20+ posts ago, but now the NGO have confirmed the legal position, with their opinion, you are happy!


Glad that's sorted then! :good:

I don't need your opinion; you obviously don't have one as you simply keep quoting a press release. I was asking if anyone could tell me if I still had the choice to say 'no', but no one knew, and unless I'm mistaken didn't you tell me no one could answer it and that I should ask my FEO for the answer? I said I would ask my shooting organisation first and now I've done so you're still not happy! There's just no pleasing some folk. :no:

Quoting a statement repeatedly like a politician means nothing if all someone does is quote and re-quote it in reply to a question. I got the answer I wanted from the NGO. :good:

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You are mistaken and perhaps you should look up statutary. Why do you think I kept quoting you the law and kept asking what you didn't understand. why on earth would you want anyone's opinion when I had quoted you the law on numerous occassions. Of course I knew the answer, so did everyone else here, but apparently you dont understand the meaning of statutary and were looking for an opinion. I'm glad you are happy now that the NGO has given you their opinion on the law I kept quoting you.

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You are mistaken and perhaps you should look up statutary. Ok, I've looked it up, perhaps you should too; you've spelled it wrong. :)

Why do you think I kept quoting you the law and kept asking what you didn't understand. Because, as you already said, you didn't know the answer.

why on earth would you want anyone's opinion when I had quoted you the law on numerous occasions. I don't want anyones opinion, I wanted a simple, definitive 'yes' or 'no' to a simple question, which no one could give me. Fortunately there was someone in the NGO who could. We can go round in circles all night if you want, but I'm more than happy with my answer. :good:

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Im in a field with gloves misted eyes and cold fingers , sod the spelling, and perhaps you would care to quote where I said I didnt know the answer! You have an interesting way with words, it seems apparent we went to different schools and read this new initiative differently. As I have also said many times now, lets wait and see what happens over the next few months.

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Im in a field with gloves misted eyes and cold fingers , sod the spelling, and perhaps you would care to quote where I said I didnt know the answer!

Now now, don't get all emotionally upset. Can't recall if it was on this thread or the locked one (can't be bothered to look) but in answer to my question you said something along the lines of you doubted anyone could answer (which I'm assuming meant you didn't know the answer?) and that I should ask my FEO, to which I answered I would ( I keep getting this strange sensation of deja vu, don't you? ) ask my shooting organisation first , if it was ok with you. Remember? Have a look when you get home and have no gloves on.

As an aside, and just between you and me, do you leave your gloves on when willy waving?

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You have had a definitive legal answer many times but appear incapable of understanding. Now you are inventing things I didnt say and unable to quote them. You also appear set on an argument and throwing Iinsults. You have had your answers many times , it isnt my problem if you are incapable of understsnding words bigger than yes or no! Crack on, together with many others here im bored with you. Goodbye

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You have had a definitive legal answer many times but appear incapable of understanding. Now you are inventing things I didnt say and unable to quote them. You also appear set on an argument and throwing Iinsults. You have had your answers many times , it isnt my problem if you are incapable of understsnding words bigger than yes or no! Crack on, together with many others here im bored with you. Goodbye

Here you go. From the locked 'Police to start unannounced visits to firearms holders' thread. Not sure if I can link from a locked thread so will type it out.

Page 14: post 271

You wrote, and I quote (cos I know you like quotes) 'Nobody here can answer your question' (so can I now assume this means you didn't know the answer?) ' perhaps you would care to email the question to your firearms region and post their response on PW!' 'Thumbs up emoticon'.

Night night.

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What is your issue that was a different question. Why dont you post that question for all to see. Are you simply determined to cause grief. Go away and grow up. Write what you like, you have had lots of help but still dont appear to understand basic English. GOODBYE.

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I am more interested in how the police conduct the so called checks, rather than the checks it's self.

We all know in South yorkshire how bad the pnn system is as my self still have a s/s on file from 2 years ago and yes they know I don't have it and where it's gone. But it's still there.

So if people can control there emotions we could have a record of the checks and conduct just to see if any ulterior motive is in effect. (Which I dought)

In my opinion it's nothing more than publicity stunt to show a proactive attitude towards guns in circulation and how they are seen to be kept for Fred and Irens piece of mind.

After all the legal ones are the ones they know about.


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What is your issue that was a different question. Why dont you post that question for all to see. Are you simply determined to cause grief. Go away and grow up. Write what you like, you have had lots of help but still dont appear to understand basic English. GOODBYE.

Don't be silly, it was based on the only question I have been asking all along, namely can I say 'no'. My question ( the question in question :) ) is there for all to see, in your quoted section of the relevant post I've provided the page and post for. No one can hide on PW. :ninja:

Prior to ACPO's 'new initiative' I had the option to say 'no' without suffering any consequences, but NO ONE could tell me if I still had this option. It goes to reason if there are consequences for saying 'no', then it clearly isn't an option.

Obviously if I'm holding a dinner party for the local Taliban Appreciation Society then there will be consequences and 'no' will be ignored. But I don't know any members of the TAS and as a law abiding member of the firearms owning public I wanted to know if saying 'no' was still an option. It is.

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I am more interested in how the police conduct the so called checks, rather than the checks it's self.

We all know in South yorkshire how bad the pnn system is as my self still have a s/s on file from 2 years ago and yes they know I don't have it and where it's gone. But it's still there.

So if people can control there emotions we could have a record of the checks and conduct just to see if any ulterior motive is in effect. (Which I dought)

In my opinion it's nothing more than publicity stunt to show a proactive attitude towards guns in circulation and how they are seen to be kept for Fred and Irens piece of mind.

After all the legal ones are the ones they know about.


If you want the sxs removed, contact your local rag and tell them that ACPO's 'new initiative' is flawed as you are on record as the owner of a sxs shotgun you don't possess. I'll bet it wouldn't take long to get it sorted then. :yes:

Will this shotgun be recorded as by ACPO as 'lost'? If so by whom ? It may be worth contacting your shooting organisation for advice.

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If you want the sxs removed, contact your local rag and tell them that ACPO's 'new initiative' is flawed as you are on record as the owner of a sxs shotgun you don't possess. I'll bet it wouldn't take long to get it sorted then. :yes:

Will this shotgun be recorded as by ACPO as 'lost'? If so by whom ? It may be worth contacting your shooting organisation for advice.

I have done my bit pal. And have all the evidence. It's upto admin to amend the system.

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sleeping dogs let lie?



I hope you're right - on a national basis. We are fortunate that in our neck of the woods, in the main we have had none of the type of incidents that have caused 'the authorities' in other areas to react, rightly or wrongly, in the manner that they have.However, even we cannot afford to bury our heads in the sand (even though we have a lot of it). Being tucked away down here and largely rural, the supposed reason for the action we're discussing might not affect us although there's no room for complacency. There is an associated thread running alongside this one regarding who just might use said hotline. Give them time to realise that their Christmas has come early this year and a bit longer to work out how to play it, then it's highly likely that we also will not escape the activities of the never sleeping dogs which they are and the knock on your door is more likely to be down to the more dastardly anti element.

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you miss my meaning, I was making reference to Scully letting go on what seems to be a more personal issue over semantics and you said he said nonsense.


You read WAY too much meaning in my flippant comments, unfortunately thats the norm on the net these days.

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