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automatic riffle it only takes one well aimed bullet to kill an animal or a person by spraying bullets all over the place all that you are doing is risking killing innocent people.


Automatic rifles are not as easy to get in America as some think. Even talking about firearms laws in America doisent make sense , most states have different firearms laws.

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Federal Firearms Regulations

It has been unlawful since 1934 (The National Firearms Act) for civilians to own machine guns without special permission from the U.S. Treasury Department. Machine guns are subject to a $200 tax every time their ownership changes from one federally registered owner to another, and each new weapon is subject to a manufacturing tax when it is made, and it must be registered with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in its National Firearms Registry.

To become a registered owner, a complete FBI background investigation is conducted, checking for any criminal history or tendencies toward violence, and an application must be submitted to the ATF including two sets of fingerprints, a recent photo, a sworn affidavit that transfer of the NFA firearm is of "reasonable necessity," and that sale to and possession of the weapon by the applicant "would be consistent with public safety." The application form also requires the signature of a chief law enforcement officer with jurisdiction in the applicant's residence. Since the Firearms Owners' Protection Act of May 19, 1986, ownership of newly manufactured machine guns has been prohibited to civilians. Machine guns which were manufactured prior to the Act's passage are regulated under the National Firearms Act, but those manufactured after the ban cannot ordinarily be sold to or owned by civilians.

The can be owned , but you cain't just go to your local dealer and buy one like some people think.

Edited by ordnance
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The AK47 is not always full auto.Most varients you see people shooting in the US are simply semi-auto.

Sorry if I got it wrong I now that in the UK people have them in the semi versions but that is just the uk I thought the ones that we see most of the time on tv in the middle east seem to be full auto I just assumed that the Americans would be getting that version

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Is not the AK47 a fully automatic firearm one of the most popular guns to buy in the us at the present time.

Please tell me you haven't just typed that?

And you call yourself a gun owner? LOL

Sorry if I got it wrong I now that in the UK people have them in the semi versions but that is just the uk I thought the ones that we see most of the time on tv in the middle east seem to be full auto I just assumed that the Americans would be getting that version

No in the Uk we can own the 22lr semi-auto ones not the 7.62x39 ones in semi-auto mode. The closest to semi auto centrefire you can own in the Uk is Lever release or MARS action.

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Please tell me you haven't just typed that?

And you call yourself a gun owner? LOL

No in the Uk we can own the 22lr semi-auto ones not the 7.62x39 ones in semi-auto mode. The closest to semi auto centrefire you can own in the Uk is Lever release or MARS action.




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The gun in the video is probably a dealer sample made by an FFL with a class 2 license. A class 2 allows someone to build MG's (for export and law enforcement). A transferable full auto AK will set you back about $15,000.


The Kalashnikovs banned from import by the sanctions were semi-autos. Fully automatic weapons have been banned from import since 1968.

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To four-wheel-drive:

It is good to note that most people you will see shooting a fully automatic gun do not own that gun but either go to a gun range and borrow one or are part of a trust that owns them. As Dr Scholl said these guns are very expensive, I doubt that most Americans could aford to splurge $15000-$20000 for a gun.

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I do understand the "right to bare arms" it was to prevent any government from dominating the people by force of arms . It was written when a flintlock pistol was considered a sophisticated weapon . You seem to miss the point. The so called Founding Fathers did not know about fully automatic weapons that can fire hundreds of rounds a minute or did they envisage compact 15 shot pistols had they done so then I am sure they would not have included such a blank check in their Bill Of Rights


having american friends and family, i have heard this statement made before. you are entirely correct in your statement about the type of weaponry available at the time of the second ammendment being written, however, the main point of it which so many people read but do not understand is the part about preventing the government from dominating the people.

yes, at the time there were flintlocks and muskets, that it was the government owned and also what the 'people' owned. but as times changed and weaponry advanced the goverment bought into the upshift and armed itself with the most modern weaponry available.

for the 'people' to be able to stop dominance from the government, they must also have the opportunity to own and use appropriately equal weaponry.

that is the basis of the 2nd ammendment from an americans point of view. (my cousin)


what a lot of people fail to notice or admit is that essentially the second ammendment rights have already been infringed by stopping or regulating the sale of fully automatic weapons to the 'people', while arming the military with full auto capability, effectively giving the goverment the upper hand if TSHTF.


now im not saying i think that all americans should be allowed fully auto weapons, no questions asked, but i do understand and uphold their right to own AR15's, M4's and whatever else they feel is appropriate to use against a well equipped goverment force should they decide to become tyranical.


my biggest feeling on the gun control subject, of which i am very vocal to my american friends, is their inherrent lack of gun SECURITY.

all most all of the mass shootings and media publicised tradgedies in america could have been prevented with better gun security.

Edited by brett1985
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If they haven't missiles, tanks ,jet fighters, aircraft carriers, I don't think rising up against the government will have much success no matter how many automatic rifles are in public hands. That argument, unfortunately doesn't hold up any longer.


you may not think it does, but millions of others disagree.


such is life i suppose. :/

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Assault rifles generally have a full auto mode for very close quarters engagement where the loss of ammunition through firing bursts is offset by the need to hit your target quickly.


In the case of the AK series though, it was always Soviet battle doctrine to throw as much lead downrange as possible to dominate the firefight, to keep the enemys' heads down long enough to close with them and kill them at close quarters. That's why you see the old footage of dismounted troops running alongside their armoured personnel carriers and everyone, including the vehicles, is giving it loads.

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my biggest feeling on the gun control subject, of which i am very vocal to my american friends, is their inherrent lack of gun SECURITY.

all most all of the mass shootings and media publicised tradgedies in america could have been prevented with better gun security.


I agree with you 100%. I 've visited The States many times and it's my favourite holiday destination. They can own as many and varied guns as they wish, as far as I'm concerned, the problem is their attitude to safe,secure storage.

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American gun control a sort practical solution in a very imperfect and dangerous world, The bad guys will always have access to weapons of one sort or another so the authorities allow their citizens to arm themselves if they so wish, for self-defence or for sporting reasons, target or hunting.

Together with a powerful ‘Rock Solid’ National Rifle Association that will fight ‘Tooth and Nail’ to defend their constitutional right to ‘Keep and Bear Arms’. ‘Land of the Free, Home of the Brave’, don’t you just wish? :friends:

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If they haven't missiles, tanks ,jet fighters, aircraft carriers, I don't think rising up against the government will have much success no matter how many automatic rifles are in public hands. That argument, unfortunately doesn't hold up any longer.

You only have to look at afghan to see what you can do with a few crummy rifles.

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