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Cheers i will give the above a look and make enquiries.

Also what breeds would you reccomend from personal experience? The land me and my mate who manages the land with me is roughly 100 acres and the land is relitivly flat with the odd clump of trees and hedgrows to add any hieght to the birds so were looking for a birds that will hold well but also fly nicely aswell. Did consider ex layers but with how flat the land is they wont fly as good as i would like.

Also what are ex laying partridge like for holding ect?

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Is there not a big game farm called Lune Valley?, i've meet him a few times decent bloke, cannae mind wot his name is thou. A keeper i know is quite pally with him so he should be ok


I dinae think the specific breeds make muh difference really, i know some keepers love mellanistic birds yet 1 i helped would send any mellantistics back in the crate. He hated them (the old keepers saying here is black birds for black woods, no idea if it's actually right thou).

I would stay away from the michigan/kanas type smaller birds, but some keepers swere by them. I just stick with either black or ring necks, the local gamefarmer i get outr birds off had probably reared about 30+% kanas crosses last year, no one wanted any this year, lot of shoots struggled to hold them and not much better fliers, mibee just a bad year/weather last year as well thou

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Thanks im going to get some black necks plus a couple of crosses.

What would be a ideal number as the land is only about 80-100 acres?

I did think of about 100 birds in total but that a percentage of pheasant and partridge or am i best but less on to start with i know i have to take into account losses ect its only for doing rough shooting for me and my mate

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It really is 1 of thoose how long is a peice of string type questions. Impossible to give u an answer of the net as we have no idea wot type of ground, woods etc.

Bear in mind u will be looking at about 600-800 quid to buy and feed 100 pheasants, obviously depend on prices of birds/pellets/wheat + all other start up costs pen building/hoppers/drinkers etc

Also remeber u may only shoot 30-35 birds out of that.


I think most keepers have there favourite bird/cross and the neighbouring keeper with similar ground will have a different favourite, as i said above i dinae think it really makes that much difference as long as u stay away from the smaller type which are allegedly better fliers.


For walked up shooting i would not bother with any redleg partridge, tend to run on infront too much (but will again depend on ur ground), either stick to pheasant or try some releasing some grey's (as long as no native wild ones) ours hold like stink and tend to sit fairly tight for walking up.

Can't fualt them. The reason most big shots no longer release them as they tend to pack up into 1 big covey, not good for driven shooting but i'd say handy for rough shooting as long as u can find it

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