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And yet another one


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What I want to know is how the hell you can strangle and stab someone to death, and be charged with manslaughter? and get 20 years?



The law states that murder is premeditated whereas Manslaughter is a heat of the moment/crime of passion so it's not what he did, it's his state of mind when he did it.

Reading this, the man seems to have real mental health issues.

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‘Diminished Responsibility’ the Scumbags guilty copout clause, then plead down to Manslaughter. Well let’s say that the beating unconscious and strangling part and perhaps the first half dozen or so stab wounds were the unpremeditated bit but after the other eight knife wounds I think any reasonable person could safely assume that he definitely intended to murder her! ???

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Great, another boohoo thread. You cant change it. Maybe more time should be spent lobbying parliament instead of the forum?? You accept the law of the land for firearm licencing so accept the release. Or is it you don't accept it but jump through the hoops because it suits but convicts being released doesn't so has to be an issue.

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Great, another boohoo thread. You cant change it. Maybe more time should be spent lobbying parliament instead of the forum?? You accept the law of the land for firearm licencing so accept the release. Or is it you don't accept it but jump through the hoops because it suits but convicts being released doesn't so has to be an issue.

Both options carry equal weight, it’s just that on the forum the noises are more encouraging! :)

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Great, another boohoo thread. You cant change it. Maybe more time should be spent lobbying parliament instead of the forum?? You accept the law of the land for firearm licencing so accept the release. Or is it you don't accept it but jump through the hoops because it suits but convicts being released doesn't so has to be an issue.

Boohoo? Who's crying? Certainly not me, but probably the parents, friends and relatives of the murdered woman. You have no idea how much time I have spent in the past lobbying (and to a lesser extent still do) parliament, for one reason or another, but I am one person. If I can enrage others enough to do likewise, then maybe, just maybe, there will eventually be someone in a position of authority or influence who sits up and says 'they've got a point; this isn't right'. You and I both know it's very unlikely, but it's even more unlikely if I keep quiet. All it takes......etc etc.

I don't accept the law of the land for firearms licensing either ( but what that has to do with this topic I have no idea) and to suggest so shows you don't know me at all, as nothing could be further from the truth, and have lobbied throughout the years MP's, the HO, our media and our shooting organisations, so why on earth should I accept the release of a convicted murderer?

I have no alternative but to comply with firearms legislation, as do you, ( but only those required by legislation and certainly not those created on the whim of some chief constable) to continue to legally shoot, but to suggest I will 'jump through hoops' is laughable. I can assure you my firearms licensing dept and me have had many a tiff; some I win, others I lose, but there are no 'hoops' in sight. Even then it doesn't mean I have to sit back and do nothing but accept it.

If you regard releasing convicted murderers back into society with the freedom to reoffend not to be an issue, then fair enough, but I do. It doesn't have to be an issue, I think it already is, and probably so do the poor girls parents.

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and what have you achieved? Nothing.

Wasted ink, breath, keyboard life and time. I don't consider it a waste; but doing nothing I would consider so.

Who is enraged? Me.

No one. I can't be the only one.

Keyboard warriors saying its disgusting and doing nothing more. I have said as much on this forum, but have only used the 'keyboard warrior' phrase once. People do get enraged about certain topics, but it's only human nature to then sit back and do nothing. People have their own lives to lead and what was vitally important to them one day usually fades into obscurity with day to day living, unless it effects them personally.

I will admit I am pleasantly surprised that you do lobby as well as forum rant. Kudos, no sarcasm intended or implied. Thankyou. I enjoy a rant as much as the next man.

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Diminished Responsibility the Scumbags guilty copout clause, then plead down to Manslaughter. Well lets say that the beating unconscious and strangling part and perhaps the first half dozen or so stab wounds were the unpremeditated bit but after the other eight knife wounds I think any reasonable person could safely assume that he definitely intended to murder her! ???

I'm not sure that you understand the law.

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