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New butt pad needed !

Salop Matt

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I’ve bought an old Side-by-side and its going to be a project to tart up and learn with by refinishing the stock, am going to have it serviced in a month or twos time also.
But in the mean time the thin plastic butt pad/plate is damaged and so I want to replace it. I have found various options for sale which are cheap enough, but how do folk:
* Attach the pad to the stock if there aren’t holes that line up or aren’t holes full stop? (IE what glue / adhesive do you use?)
* What do you use to shape the new pad to match your stock?



Edited by salop sniper
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Drill fresh holes.


Use a belt sander and a ideally a jig to shape the pad.


But why not finish it with a nice walnut piece if your doing it all up it will look nicer, and if you ask nicely I'll give you a piece when I see you next. Set the lop before you re finish it then you'll have a nice looking gun you can hit stuff with.

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Cheers Daf,


I dont own a belt sander and my skills are some what dire to say the least when it comes to DIY. So the thinking with a cheap plastic pad is if it goes wrong using a file I could just bin it.


My plans for tarting it up are:


Strip the varnish off. (Am happy to do this and have some of the old stuff that should work very well)

Steam out the marks I can. ( Fairly happy to do that)

New but pad.

Refinish the wood work. (Never done it before but was going to buy a true oil kit and hope for the best)

Get action serviced by you.


I want to learn but also dont want to hash it all up and waste / spend silly money on it !





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Cheers Daf,


I dont own a belt sander and my skills are some what dire to say the least when it comes to DIY. So the thinking with a cheap plastic pad is if it goes wrong using a file I could just bin it.


My plans for tarting it up are:


Strip the varnish off. (Am happy to do this and have some of the old stuff that should work very well)

Steam out the marks I can. ( Fairly happy to do that)

New but pad.

Refinish the wood work. (Never done it before but was going to buy a true oil kit and hope for the best)

Get action serviced by you.


I want to learn but also dont want to hash it all up and waste / spend silly money on it !







Don't buy Tru oil it carp use a proper stock oil trade Sercet it is very good for a commercial product and you will end up with a gun that looks right with you SBS.


If you want you can pop over to mine use a belt sander and jig so it's smooth, probably got a plastic plate that will work as well or can get you one. PM if you want with dimensions.


Never knew someone who could do a walnut plate with them being shown once.

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Don't buy Tru oil it carp use a proper stock oil trade Sercet it is very good for a commercial product and you will end up with a gun that looks right with you SBS.


If you want you can pop over to mine use a belt sander and jig so it's smooth, probably got a plastic plate that will work as well or can get you one. PM if you want with dimensions.


Never knew someone who could do a walnut plate with them being shown once.


What a great offer Matt from a top man. Trade Secret does give great results if you are patient. I hope between you you can get it to its former glory as the old boy who sold it is a bit special to me, life long memories made in his company. Have fun and if nothing else you will end up with a carry gun that will last you out lol.

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