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Best night flight of the season.


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So far this fowling season the night flights have been poor in general. A lot of no shows where I would usually see plenty and the couple of times I could have put a few in the bag, I have shot like a numpty. But last night I had a cracking night flight. I had spotted a bit of flood water in the links at the back of a beach so I thought I would give it a go. Its a fairly big area of water so I just sat in the middle thinking I would move if the birds took to one area. I didn't have to wait long before the first duck came in right over the top of me, I was expecting mallard but it was a pair of wigeon.....which I missed :( . A nice flight formed right where I was sitting, I missed a couple of silly shots to begin with then managed to start connecting. I had two singles then managed 3 rights and lefts. Delighted with my shooting and the bag, I unloaded the gun and watched wigeon pour in over the top of me for the last half hour.



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A very good bag " aister " and some of those duck look in excellent condition , you done well on the duck and for stopping shooting when you did. I would have stopped at 10 but with our duck being late coming this season and the amount of water on the marsh now you would be lucky to get half that , but there you go there are a lot of people worse off than us. Good luck on your next visit.


P S......Your dog look well pleased with herself ? sitting in what looks like a lovely piece of countryside.

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