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Swilling ton shooting supplies


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Ey guys n gals,

Has any body dealt with swillington in Leeds? They sound a nice bunch on the phone. I'm going up tomorrow to pick up my 308,

Let's cut to the chase, can I barter on the price ha ha ,



Yep, bought my sauer from little Chris, nice bloke, fister sorted me out with them. Yes barter he can only say no.

What you getting, Blaser R8. Take a look at the Mauser M12 in wood

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Yep, bought my sauer from little Chris, nice bloke, fister sorted me out with them. Yes barter he can only say no

I always barter old bean, just like to know the sp tis all ha ha , give us a shout paul if your doing any range/ field work soon,





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As you say - each to his own. I have been a few times and found them disorganised. Service seemed to depend on which day of the week you found them.


Malmo, Bamfords, Derek Lee, Jim Neville, McAvoys - just a few better shops that spring to mind.

I would disagree with Bamfords - when I have made the trip I have always found them disorganized, arrogant and unhelpful if you are not a regular, almost to the extent of Cheshire Gun room!

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Just for you flynny

Cheers Paul,





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In my experience with them I doubt your comment however each to their own.



As you say - each to his own. I have been a few times and found them disorganised. Service seemed to depend on which day of the week you found them.Malmo, Bamfords, Derek Lee, Jim Neville, McAvoys - just a few better shops that spring to mind



I would disagree with Bamfords - when I have made the trip I have always found them disorganized, arrogant and unhelpful if you are not a regular, almost to the extent of Cheshire Gun room!

Thanks for the input guys I have dealt with them all over the years ( apart from swilling tons, and as mentioned they were polite and took my query seriously)and have had no problems, the only one that I walked in once and told him to buzzer the door for me ,so that I could get out was " the shooting shack" in Bolton , but he got what was coming to him ( not off me!!!)


We all have our own personal opinions of RFDs but Swillingtons have what I need , the above mentioned can get it me in a week or two, but you know how we all are, WE WANT IT NOW ,haha





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