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PW Charity Shoot NvS 2015 discussion thread

shoot and be safe

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I think most of those up north use flintlock muzzle loaders still OF , they still have a bit of catching up to do.


I am sure once they get things like running water , electric and inside toilets sorted they will turn their attention to developing some better guns , but I doubt that will be before the charity shoot.


You may think SABS took the day in your forge as he was interested in making something from metal ,but it was actually because he heard you have a inside bog and had always dreamed of one day seeing one. :yes:

This is true, but out of respect to my host, I used the one outside ;)
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No Mark I am not at all into clay shooting. It has no real appeal to me unfortunately even though the venue is not far from where I travel to work every day. I will most likely be sat in a hide somewhere drinking coffee and cursing the occasional pigeon that pops by and fly's off into the distance unsaluted as I am wondering if to have a Wine Gum or a Cheese Biscuit. :hmm:


Everyone to their own I suppose, but credit goes to you all who raise the money for worthwhile charities :good:

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Looks like your about to do a harrycatcat1 style mod on the gun with the angle grinder ready. Remind you that the barrel length needs to be longer than 24" and you won't get confused with all this choke business 😂

No confusion with choke blunderbuss bored and went for the longer than 24 inches to comply with regs 😊

Also had the 3 inch chambered magnum proof and proofed for steel (whatever that is ) fleur de lyes and alsorts on it option 😄

Sorry your not coming to the shoot it would be good to catch up over breakfast


We understand the need for a passport to cross the bridge 😗


However the south could do with a few more to add there names

There sort of outnumbering us at the moment


All the best


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The south, well fenboy, is working on 'the wash very own George mattweed' to put in a special appearance this year which would mean you northern lads may as well quit now.

It was your bloody dog that nicked my flask top so I would know where to find it easy.

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The south, well fenboy, is working on 'the wash very own George mattweed' to put in a special appearance this year which would mean you northern lads may as well quit now.

It was your bloody dog that nicked my flask top so I would know where to find it easy.


Looks like we are up against it as it is without inviting Mat , anyway he said something about he will be pigeon shooting with you , and was your hide big enough for three as he is not allowed out on his own anymore .

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I had it fitted specially

Anyway decided to go for the



And multi shot gun

And bought this







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Do you want the PW gun test on it ?


All the best



After seeing you shoot good choice :yes:












































Always said you needed an extra barrel :P

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Looks like we are up against it as it is without inviting Mat , anyway he said something about he will be pigeon shooting with you , and was your hide big enough for three as he is not allowed out on his own anymore .

Bring him along its more about numbers than a score 😗



You never know he may win a weekend away in the raffle


He could make a ring or something 😂😂



All the best


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The south did last year after their short lived victory :whistling:


I'll eat anything as long as it comes with gravy :lol:

At last a northerner admitting we the south won last year 😀😃

And so we will defend and win again 😀😊


Come on lads get in and join the winning southern side


Foot note

Sabs eats anything all the time with or without gravy 😗


All the best


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