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Don't claim he's better than any other politician then. They are all the same...political animals. They all tell porkies, break promises and backtrack when expediency dictates. In short, no better, no worse.


Edited by achosenman
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I don't feel UKIP were humiliated, but also don't believe many voted for UKIP as a genuine alternative... The Lib Dems dissented to the Tories and I believe many disgruntled labour voters to UKIP.


Farage kept his word and respect to him for that. I believe he would be foolish to run for leadership in September and if the party is to consolidate and expand a new leader should be found.


I believe that should be Carswell for obvious reasons. Whether he is the right man for the job remains to be seen.


I also thought I detected a bit of tiredness in Farages speech, not fatigue from the nights events but more of a resignation that this is possibly as good as it gets. He doesn't look that healthy either. I wouldn't be surprised to see a retirement in the offing. He could make a fortune on the after dinner circuit.


As for the EU referendum I believe there will be one and I believe also it will be a simple in or out. The eyes of the world have been on the candidates this election more so than in any election before, every promise has been documented all the rhetoric recorded ( thanks in part to the live debates) and Cameron has no other option.


I think it may be sooner rather than later also, run the horse again before its re-handicapped so to speak and I would be confident that the public would return a resounding yes in favour of staying in the EU.


I wish the experts would stop saying " no one foresaw that " also..... Blunderbuss and I did and we made a pretty penny out of it too. :lol:

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If you apply that logic DC didn't do anything wrong by not giving us an EU referendum as they weren't governing as Tory but tory-lib coalition. He should be a man of his word or be one if the politicians you seen to despise


Deceiving the country with the promise of a referendum whilst being Prime Minister is in an altogether different league to possibly making a return to politics after standing down of ones own volition.

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Nah, if I were a Lib Dem, Labour or Green voter maybe I'd feel humiliated, but as you rightly say the kippers performed well, and I suspect they'll do well when the council election results are released too.


How did your chap get on?

Punished by the electorate. 18k to the Tory's 19k, shame really as he's a nice guy that work hard for the area, but that's politics (and I never said he'd do well).


I suspect ukip will do well locally too.

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I also thought I detected a bit of tiredness in Farages speech, not fatigue from the nights events but more of a resignation that this is possibly as good as it gets. He doesn't look that healthy either. I wouldn't be surprised to see a retirement in the offing. He could make a fortune on the after dinner circuit.


He has been having problems with his back from the plane crash,he actually stopped canvassing at one stage to get it sorted out.

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Punished by the electorate. 18k to the Tory's 19k, shame really as he's a nice guy that work hard for the area, but that's politics (and I never said he'd do well).


I suspect ukip will do well locally too.


We lost our Lib Dem MP to a Tory. No loss though, as he was absolutely useless.


Unfortunately the Tory boy (and that's what he is) doesn't look much better. :/

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it seems the people of thanet south didn't feel the same way

Actually they probably did :yes: if only tactical voting against a man rather than a party had not taken place, IE how many labour voters, voted con to prevent Farage winning?



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Do you ever bring anything positive to a thread?Or are you always so puerile?

I think the dog in the avatar is the brains of the outfit.



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Actually they probably did :yes: if only tactical voting against a man rather than a party had not taken place, IE how many labour voters, voted con to prevent Farage winning?



lost is lost the people of thanet south voted and nigel didnt get there so its safe to say the people of south thanet didn't feel the same way but i will give you this it was a close call.

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lost is lost the people of thanet south voted and nigel didnt get there so its safe to say the people of south thanet didn't feel the same way but i will give you this it was a close call.

Hope he tries for Hartlepool next time the labour Muppet we have now is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard, but hey he is labour. so he will do , what a testament to our electoral system




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lost is lost the people of thanet south voted and nigel didnt get there so its safe to say the people of south thanet didn't feel the same way but i will give you this it was a close call.

In elections lost is not always lost in the true sense of the word,analysts will now go over each seat and see where they were strong ,weak where they have safe seats and what they need to do in the next elections,UKIP coming second in a lot of seats has given some analysts real headaches, they have no historical records to look at trends pertaining to UKIP so they cannot complete a full analytical view of what should be done come the next elections,yet UKIP have shown with their rapid growth and support that they are a very real threat come the next elections.

Sometimes coming second can scare the winners.

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i must admit the thought of 5 years of the smug **** that won doesn't fill me with joy but fortunately im not bottom of the pile so i expect i can live with it, it really was hobsons choice this time round but hey ho life goes on it would not have change my life much whoever had won.

In elections lost is not always lost in the true sense of the word,analysts will now go over each seat and see where they were strong ,weak where they have safe seats and what they need to do in the next elections,UKIP coming second in a lot of seats has given some analysts real headaches, they have no historical records to look at trends pertaining to UKIP so they cannot complete a full analytical view of what should be done come the next elections,yet UKIP have shown with their rapid growth and support that they are a very real threat come the next elections.

Sometimes coming second can scare the winners.

with out nigel i doubt ukip will do at all well next time round heck they only got 1 seat with nigel and that wasn't his and they will be a big fail if we have left the eu or had a referendum and voted to stay before the next election as we will be independent already or the british people will have voted to stay. what ever way you spin it it wasn't a victory for ukip, now the referendums coming ukips sort of redundant as they are getting what they wanted anyway.

Edited by overandunder2012
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i must admit the thought of 5 years of the smug **** that won doesn't fill me with joy but fortunately im not bottom of the pile so i expect i can live with it, it really was hobsons choice this time round but hey ho life goes on it would not have change my life much whoever had won.

with out nigel i doubt ukip will do at all well next time round especially if we have left the eu before the next election.

If we have left the eu before the next election then the United Kingdom Independence Party will have no need to exist as their remit would be completed.

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If we have left the eu before the next election then the United Kingdom Independence Party will have no need to exist as their remit would be completed.


The sweaties have just made the term UKIP unnecessary, how about Farage starting the ENP and let the rest rot.ungrateful toss pots.





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Certainly not humiliated but they must be dissapointed not to get more seats, which could have been possible had the electorate in their key seats wanted it. Ukip have come a very long way very quickly but they will need to change tack now that we will [possibly] get a EU referendum, but I'm not sure how they would do that without the EU, and therefore immigration, to bash.


There is no argument I think, of course they were not humiliated. Lots of people voted for them to scare the other parties. Most notably in the North East of England, where Labour voters expressed their disapointment with Millband. It is clear. farce's 'party' nevertheless LOST one MP from the two they had up to a few hours ago (albeit borrowed from the Tories) and their brazant and flaboyand 'leader' was defeated on a battle he and his 'party' made very clear it was a personal affair. Now with a Tory Majority, things will be very interesting. I suspect that whatever happens with regards to a referendum, kippers will not be happy and will say that it is not a fair referendum, IF it happens (I do not think a referendum will take place). They have to, this is their raison d'etre. Without Europe to hate and preach against they have nothing to talk about.


As for theirt 'leader', he of course would not give up his position of authority. He will do anything he can to remain in the spotligh. He has no reservations or the need to honor his word. The fact that his 'party' is a one man show and he has the ethical standing of a gutter rat helps with that.

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. Without Europe to hate and preach against they have nothing to talk about.


As for theirt 'leader', he of course would not give up his position of authority. He will do anything he can to remain in the spotligh. He has no reservations or the need to honor his word. The fact that his 'party' is a one man show and he has the ethical standing of a gutter rat helps with that.

There you go again making accusations and assumptions, it is on record that if a referendum for a straight in out of the eu is done then ukip has fulfilled it's role and will cease to be.


As for the ethical standing of a gutter rat comment,what has he said or done that is so unethical? or do you just believe that but have no actual fact to back it up?

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