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B Liar into the electioneering fray


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It was his Labour government that spunked away the country's savings - cash, gold, the whole works - almost bankrupting us in the process and now he's cheerleading for his acolytes at the next General Election.


How quickly we forget what a disaster he made of his premiership.

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A lot of people did very well under him alright, his open door immigration policy and benefits for all saw to that The only problem is he spent all the country's money buying his popularity.


I wouldn't believe a word he said, the man should be in jail

Edited by Vince Green
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I disagree, that was Mrs T, all Blair did was move the party to the centre, making the Tories unelectable because he was there already. He promised the world, inherited a country in a good place and was hailed as the new Messiah.... He was a snake oil salesman.


He did dabble with the Tories for a while. Was just after power.

both mrs t and blair were scum bags guess thats why they got so far in politics :lol:

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He brought to an end the war in Northern Ireland strangely Blair was then the conduit to the Gulf war, we could reap the outcome from that for the next 200 years, i said he will be the most influential politician in British politics what were now entering in terms of political dynamics will see a world shift Tony Blair was at the fore front of that.


Maggie closed the mines, enabled a small sector of society to become wealthy, made greed good, and got lucky in the Falklands

''This is not the time for political soundbites''....''but you know I feel the hand of history on my shoulders''..........wot a c&ck.

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