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FAC application


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I applied for my firearms certificate in the begining of january this year, last wednesday i got my home visit from the FEO. Everything went well except, i now have to have some shooting time with a current firearms license holder, this i have told by the firearms officer is to make sure that i understand gun safety ie suitable backstops, the dangers of ricochets and the like. Unfortunatly i dont know anyone with a current firearms certificate. I live near glasgow, any help or suggestions from anyone on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes it probably would, but the firearms officer said all i need to do is spend half an hour with a current certificate holder and that would be sufficient. i Have many years shooting experience, but have only recently decided to take up shooting again, i also have a few permissions to shoot on various different pieces of land which i currently shoot using PCP airrifles..

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Yes it probably would, but the firearms officer said all i need to do is spend half an hour with a current certificate holder and that would being sufficient. i Have many years shooting experience, but have only recently decided to take up shooting again, i also have a few permissions to shoot on various different pieces of land which i currently shoot using PCP airrifles..

Offer to take a fac holder out on your land, you will soon get a few offers.

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I applied for my firearms certificate in the begining of january this year, last wednesday i got my home visit from the FEO. Everything went well except, i now have to have some shooting time with a current firearms license holder, this i have told by the firearms officer is to make sure that i understand gun safety ie suitable backstops, the dangers of ricochets and the like. Unfortunatly i dont know anyone with a current firearms certificate. I live near glasgow, any help or suggestions from anyone on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I have heard of mentoring, south of the border, but this Is the first time here I have heard of this !!.

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Guest stevo

Lincolnshire police like to use a bit of mentoring now and then. It's no real big deal. However the mentor does need to understand that while the new.applicant is under your wing Your responsible for his/her actions. ( I have done this twice over the years) at the end of the mentoring period there FEO gives you a call. Quick chat about how they conducted thereselfs. As long as there are no concerns all is good.


Failing that you could sign up for a Riflecraft course.

I believe it module 8 you want ( safety course) price is around.£200 I think. That would definitely cover your A55 .and is handy if worst comes.to worst.


Hope you get sorted anyway.

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Lincolnshire police like to use a bit of mentoring now and then. It's no real big deal. However the mentor does need to understand that while the new.applicant is under your wing Your responsible for his/her actions. ( I have done this twice over the years) at the end of the mentoring period there FEO gives you a call. Quick chat about how they conducted thereselfs. As long as there are no concerns all is good.


Failing that you could sign up for a Riflecraft course.

I believe it module 8 you want ( safety course) price is around.£200 I think. That would definitely cover your A55 .and is handy if worst comes.to worst.


Hope you get sorted anyway.

Thanks for your very helpful reply ..i will have a look about for any riflecraft courses nearby ..thanks again ..nice to get a possitive response ..

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Guest stevo

Thanks for your very helpful reply ..i will have a look about for any riflecraft courses nearby ..thanks again ..nice to get a possitive response ..

No problem.


I think they only run the courses from there Base which is down Suffolk way. Not sure. Got to worth giving them a bell. Your FEO can't knock the course as it's the same that a lot of the firearms and firearms response police use.


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No problem.


I think they only run the courses from there Base which is down Suffolk way. Not sure. Got to worth giving them a bell. Your FEO can't knock the course as it's the same that a lot of the firearms and firearms response police use.


Again thank you very much for your very helpful reply.

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Yes it probably would, but the firearms officer said all i need to do is spend half an hour with a current certificate holder and that would be sufficient. i Have many years shooting experience, but have only recently decided to take up shooting again, i also have a few permissions to shoot on various different pieces of land which i currently shoot using PCP airrifles..


Not your fault but this just highlights the joke situation of firearms licensing. So in theory all you have to do is kick about with someone who has a licence for half an hour and that will satisfy a licensing officer the application can go ahead.


It's a hoop you'll have to jump through but it's ridiculous, good luck on the application.

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Why not have a chat with and explain your predicament to your local friendly gunshop.

If you intend to buy a rifle from them, they may well know someone local to you who could help you out. Or they might point you to someone who could help for a small fee.

Thanks for your suggestion. I know an RFD can not act as one of your referees when applying for FAC. Something to do with a conflict of interests, But you have a good point he may know someone who would be willing to help. Thanks again.

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Not your fault but this just highlights the joke situation of firearms licensing. So in theory all you have to do is kick about with someone who has a licence for half an hour and that will satisfy a licensing officer the application can go ahead.


It's a hoop you'll have to jump through but it's ridiculous, good luck on the application.

As you probably allready know, there is far more involved in aquireing an FAC than hanging about with an existing FAC holder. Numerious checks and a lot of work on my part just to prove i can be trusted with a firearm.

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James (on a more serious note) what have you actually applied for FAC wise, I hope i have not missed it if you have mentioned it. I started with 22 Air FAC then went onto 17 HMR the rest just seemed to follow without any issues.

I am just thinking that may be an issue, not sure.

Edited by Dougy
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I have applied for FAC for .22lr. Everything is in place my FEO has intervied both of my referees and myself, also my security is in order, he has no problem with anything, Just a condition that has been attached to FAC applications that you should have a current FAC holder who will vouch for you. Even as i stated i have years of shooting experience the FEO appreciates this and has no doubt about my shooting ability or any safety issues, its just another box that has to be ticked in order to gain FAC.

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