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Pay rise for MPs


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It's not wrong it's human nature if someone offers you a load of dosh for doing something (or nothing!).......how many are going to turn it down?

If you are a footballer receiving £50,000 a week and your agent negotiates a new contract for £90,000 a week who amongst us is going to say " oh I couldn't possibly accept it it's far too much"


It's just the green eyed monster rearing its ugly head!

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Again if you are in charge, control things and run the show why would you look after someone else before yourself? this also, for better or worse is now human nature!

I find it abhorrent but is this jealousy? or if I was in this position would I look after myself first???


This is Thatchers legacy......# # # # everyone else! look after yourself and let the market decide, well with the influx of cheap labour from eastern Europe and elsewhere the market has decided!! the wages paid to these migrants are good money to them but to a UK worker they are subsistence wages............the UK worker wont and cant afford to work for peanuts but the employer can now always get any number of foreign workers to do the job for peanuts and in consequence......deliver more profit to themselves!


No point in moaning now.........its our own fault we voted the bitch into power!

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I'm sure they are all embarrassed by this.

Impossible i am afraid to say?----------Politicians and embarrassment?--------------- Not in the same sentence?


blair / thatcher close call when it comes to the unpleasant individual awards as both were just horrible in their own way and as trustworthy as a rattle snake in a children s lucky dip

Agree entirely, some of Britains finest? --------------------- We all need preserving from any more?


I have the same opinion of them all as they seem to have of me? ----------------- one of utter derision!


It's just so great that we are all in this together?

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