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Bag over Lucerne


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I have been watching a field on a local farm here in Essex and the pigeon numbers have started to build up now the Lucerne has got to about 3 inches high. I do not have exclusive rights and I was glassing the field on Tuesday having determined to shoot it on Wednesday when a guy turns up in his pick up obviously doing the same thing.. After a difficult start to the conversation it turns out that although we have never met we do have various mutual shooting aquaintances and that we both planned to shoot the same field on Wednesday. The field is big enough to shoot in two places but the flight line to the best place would get cut off and the second best place would have the wind and sun in your face. So after chatting for a bit we both agreed to shoot in the best place in hides 60 yards apart with one big decoy pattern in front.

I have to say the plan worked a treat and we ended up shooting a hundred pigeons between us shooting from 14:30 and 19:30. Tim ,the other guy ,was very generous and it turned out I was in the best spot.

For give this somewhat long post but I just wanted to say this was a refreshing change for me as I have been on the end of some fairly underhand tactics by other pigeon shooters and it just shows what can be achieved by a bit of mutual cooperation. Tim's very eager spaniel also proved invaluable in picking up at the end of the day. Thanks Tim.

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Nice story!!


Lucerne is an excellent crop if you have it. Like Bakerboy said, they will harvest it a number of times and the birds seem to like it every time it's harvested.


I've had some good days on it myself......



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