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Lee bullet press help

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I have a Lee value non indexing 3 hole turret press, can anyone tell me if there is another way of loading primers with it without a ram prime or hand loading, I did buy a primer load arm but the ram does not have the pin in it to hook the arm on, so im a bit stuck, any advice, thanks in advance.

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Sounds like you have the wrong priming kit, the turret presses don't have holes on them to fit the arm bracket into (like the single stage presses do) they use an add-on bracket which is held on by one of the bolts on the top.




This is the bracket the arm swings on,





You can see it in action here,





Just had a look in my huge box of Lee stuff and I have one I bought as a spare when I had the turret press, if you can't get one locally you can have this one for £3 posted. It's only the bracket no washer or spacer but if you already have the priming arms and tray you can use a few washers under it to get the correct height.

Edited by phaedra1106
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Just re-read the OP, missed the bit about the pin,


Parts list for the 4 hole (3 hole no longer made)




If the ram has the slot for the primer arm then it's the roll pin you need, FT1468


5/64"x3/4", you can probably get something usable off eBay or use a 5/64" drill bit cut to length


2mm x 20mm http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stainless-Steel-Spring-Tension-Pins-Sellock-Roll-Pins-/160792124089?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=460068802234&hash=item256ff51ab9


Titan reloading will ship any Lee stuff to the UK and are cheaper than buying from Lee directly.

Edited by phaedra1106
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Sounds like you have the wrong priming kit, the turret presses don't have holes on them to fit the arm bracket into (like the single stage presses do) they use an add-on bracket which is held on by one of the bolts on the top.




This is the bracket the arm swings on,


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You can see it in action here,





Just had a look in my huge box of Lee stuff and I have one I bought as a spare when I had the turret press, if you can't get one locally you can have this one for £3 posted. It's only the bracket no washer or spacer but if you already have the priming arms and tray you can use a few washers under it to get the correct height.

That is the wrong press on his there is no slot in the ram to fit the priming arm i will see if i can find a pic or link to the same press

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I've the same press no hole in mine you don't need one the T shaped primer tool ( http://www.midwayusa.com/product/117855/lee-3-hole-4-hole-turret-press-primer-arm).sits in a rocks forward on it curved base and slots in to the channel on the ram as it lowers it sets the primer home.

Edited by welshwarrior
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