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Charity shoot raffle prize!!


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Casting your mind back to this years annual Pigeon Watch (victorious) North 'v' South charity clay pigeon shoot you may remember a raffle prize of roe buck stalking donated by Oxfordfowler, this prize was drawn on the raffle to forum member LHJ who soon realised that she could not meet the prize criteria and generously passed the prize of a day's stalking onto myself, thank you LHJ :yes:


After making arrangements with Stuart (Oxfordfowler) Magman and I made our way down to Oxford with enough time in the evening to get a last light stalk in. Stuart took us down to an area he had seen a few roe of the previous evenings but alas there was nothing that evening, well nothing but a pair of 3/4 grown fox cubs making there way across a field some 200 plus yards away, Stuart expertly called using his hand and both cubs came to the call just nice, the first cub dropped to the .243 at 40 ish yards whilst the second cub ran a little and stopped just long enough for the bullet to find its mark, at a guess I'd say 130-140 yards off the sticks.


Stuart then took us for a quick tour of the local town so we could find ourselves some grub, which Rob and I feasted on whilst enjoying a late night pint before retiring to our shared double bed at around midnight.


About an hour and a half later I awoke to the bed shaking and hotel windows rattling in the putty, earthquake..... no, low flying jet....... no, UFO trying to beam us up..... errrrrr no, Magman snoring so loud it was painful on the ears to be in the same room :lol: :lol: :lol: so I snuck off down to the lobby and made myself quite comfortable in one of the arm chairs whilst utilising one of the information board leaflets to block out the lighting :yes:


Up at 3 am and off to meet Stuart who made us a much needed mug of coffee before heading out after the roe.

This time we were awash with roe but nothing close or still, managed to get busted by a roe buck whilst trying to stalk to a muntjac and bumped a roe doe too, plenty about !!!


The last stalk was late on in the morning at about 9 am and seen us stalking a roe buck with a doe who had been chasing each other about all morning in a field of wheat, with the decisive shot being taken off the sticks, through a small gap in the hedge maybe 3 or 4 yards away to the buck stood in wheat at about 80-90 yards the other side of the hedge.


Later we took to the stubble for a touch of decoyed pigeon shooting and bagged at a guess about a dozen or so (I'm not sure because I had a nap).


Thank you so very much to Stuart (Oxfordfowler) not only for the prize but also for trying so bloody hard to get us into a roe buck, great job fella much appreciated. Hope we get to see you on the Crown Shoot this season. :yes:


Thank you also to Laura (LHJ) for so being so generous in giving her raffle prize away.


Thank you also to Rob (Magman) for depriving me of my much needed beauty sleep, and accompanying me on a little trip 'darn south'.


To anyone who's thinking of either attending or donating to the charity shoot, please do its for a good cause and you stand a very good chance of meeting some really great folk!

Edited by Paul223
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Nice write up 233 - it was a pleasure to take you both out.


From my side of things the Thursday evening was a bit frustrating - that area we went to (well what can I say) that is the first time I have been there and not seen Deer. But good result with the Fox cubs. How many Hares did we count in that field (15+) before the two with bushy tails came along.



4am start on the Friday - walked bloody miles. Saw a couple of Roe and a Munty around some woods. Then having spotted two Deer chasing each other around a large standing wheat field right by the main farm buildings off we went after a second pair spotted along an adjacent hedge only for them to disappear after Paul223 had stalked around toward them and a shooting position.


A lone Buck that appeared behind us then delayed us further before we eventually returned to find that the two in the wheat field were still busily chasing each other. It was relatively easy to get close to the field using a hidden track which runs along side. This field is about 800 yards long by 200 yards wide. We could see the Deer at the far end by the farm buildings so off we went - only to find that the Deer were now 400 yards back down the field. Off we went again. This time by crawling through a hole in the hedge a shot was on (and missed) oopps.


Luckily the Deer ran to the far end of the field and stopped so off we went again. We worked our way around and found a much better shooting position standing on the track with the Deer about 60/80 yards away - Nice shot, Buck dropped on the spot.


With the Bucked marked I set off to retrieve only to be surprised by a Deer jumping up out of the crop virtually under my feet (that made me jump and got the heart beating) first thought was that the Buck was not dead - however it was the Doe. She had been lead in the crop about a yard from the fallen Buck.


Paul223 and Magman then set about dealing with the carcass whilst I went to fetch the vehicle. Shocking site upon my return I was greeted by two Welshmen one holding a cloven animals back legs apart and the other making it's *** bleed - what do you say :lol: .



Any way had a great and successful day - look forward to meeting both Paul223 and Magman again.

Edited by oxfordfowler
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Hum........."shared double bed" - worrying :no:


It was the blood on the hand towels that made me giggle :oops:


Rob not Welsh? - Oh dear, I shall have to apologize to him for that terrible insult to his ethnic origin :lol:


invite withdrawn :mad:


Great weekend in great company but that bed **** me talk about going back in time :unhappy:

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