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What is the world coming to


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1-15AM, just got home from a good night lamping & greeted by police cars & streets cordoned off with tape, eventually got through & get to my house, pull into garage unload rifles put them in cabinet, then into lounge & ask wife whats all the police presence in aid off. I couldn't beleive my ears when she told me. Early in the evening 3 local lads had been sniffing petrol, got high as a kite & decided to pour petrol over 1 of them & then set him on fire. With out using the Lords name in vain, my immediate reaction was JESUS CHRIST what the hell was going through their heads, then came the extra bodyblow, because these weren't crack heads out of their skull on drugs, they were 2 11yr olds & 1 10yr old. Tell me lads,what the hell world are we living in.

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yes something got to be done. but am a mum to a 14 and 9 year old boy s. now i no every mum says it but its true they are good boys. and the last thing i would want to see is them being made to do national service were do you think they would send them .cause we all no they would have a few weeks basic training then pack off to somewhere ****** .the way things are going i can see it happen .why have fully trained men and women out there (GOD BLESS THEM)caretaking these countrys .and going through all kind of hell . when they can send these easliy to replace youngters > if this ever happens the goverment will have a bigger problem then any war .they will have us mums to deal with .i for one would fight to the death to protect this from happen to my sons .xx suzy

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Lets not forget there are a lot of responsible parents bringing up their children properly.

They are not all out in the streets, wearing hoodies, mugging, stabbing etc.


There has always been this element, perhaps it wasn't so well reported in the past, perhaps the little misguided ones are more imaginative due to TV, videos, etc., but few of these things are new.


I remember the influx of immigrants from the Carribean were blamed for the problems of the 1950-60's, then the Ugandan Asians in the early 1970's, now its the Poles in 2007. :good:

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I remember the influx of immigrants from the Carribean were blamed for the problems of the 1950-60's, then the Ugandan Asians in the early 1970's, now its the Poles in 2007. :good:


Well that shows we do not learn from our mistakes then!


In a lot of cases it is right to blame the parents but there will always be the element that are bad. Regardless of what you do. It is these who lead the others astray.


Whichever way you look at it it comes down to needing more coppers on the street. Walking the estates 24/7. The police are not a "buisness" and should not be run as such. Everyone who lives here regardless of colour, religion etc should feel safe. Any scrotes should feel unsafe and afraid of being caught.


Whilst the police cannot be trained to the standards of Gene Hunt, they are too afraid of the Human Rights bill, Health and Safety and ambulance chasers to be able to do the job correctly.

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Kids can do as they please nowadays, and it's going to get worse. Nothing will change and the country will go to ruin. They need a good slap when they're really young, and then they'll have respect. You can't touch them these days, and they know it as well as we do. I just hope I'm dead before it all goes completely tits up, because if I'm not I'll be locked up for looking after myself :good:

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I remember the influx of immigrants from the Carribean were blamed for the problems of the 1950-60's, then the Ugandan Asians in the early 1970's, now its the Poles in 2007. :good:


Well that shows we do not learn from our mistakes then!





Clearly might point flew right over your head.


The immigrants were not to blame for the problems, the current inhabitants of our great country were.


I doubt that the children involved in shootingman's story were Polish.

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Clearly my point (I think this is what you meant) was missed as well.

The immigrant point was meant as a seperate point.


The comments about the police were my comments to the topic.




For the record I am not a racist and I am not against immigrants. What I am against are the floodgates opening and being swamped with people who come in abuse the system and milk an already struggling health service until it is dry.

I am also against immigrants coming in and segregating themselves. They should keep up their traditions and languages, but not at the expense of ours.

I want to experience other cultures and an influx of immigrants can help me to do this, I like to meet other people and share what they have to offer. They should open themselves up to what we have to offer and enhance that.


That is how I feel.

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I tend to agree with Cranfield I don't think we can blame immigrants for everything. It has a lot do with the the way the government has made it a nanny state. You can no longer discipline children without fear of prosecution and due to this they have no respect for anything. I know not all children are like this but it's the same with everything the minority of bad ones give the rest a bad name.

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I tend to agree with Cranfield I don't think we can blame immigrants for everything.


I know this is moving a little off the line of the topic a little but seeing as I sparked off this "sideline" I feel as though I should comment.


Cranfield is right, we cannot blame the immigrants for everything. However ..................

A lot of what they do influences society in general. It is now common place for the various ethnic minorities to gather togther in areas. Going through London on Sunday I noticed areas that contained all blacks, then a mile down the road they were all Indians, then all Chinese. They did not mix at all. This by all accounts is the norm, they have "ghettos" that do not allow other colours in! This information was given to me by a collegue at work who moved out of London.

This segregation leads to a gang culture, this in turn leads to violence and that leads to all the stories we are hearing about in todays papers.

It is sheer numbers that lead to this sort of thing. Obviously there are areas that have had a history of ethnic culture, Soho for example and the Chinese influence. This has become more of a tourist attraction than a threat.

When you have these numbers they are less inclined to mix and embrace the host country. This is wrong. In some cases they do not speak the native language. Again wrong.


I could go on and will do so if prompted but I hope you get my point.

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Lets not forget there are a lot of responsible parents bringing up their children properly.

They are not all out in the streets, wearing hoodies, mugging, stabbing etc.



What a load of twaddle Cranfield. Be balanced if youre going to come out with **** like that. There are many kids that are brought up properly from good families with responsible parents that mix with scroats and go off the rails. If they're not out in the streets, then they must be cocooned in cotton wool.


None of us know where our kids are all of the time or what they are doing. Hoodies are items of clothing a bit like crombie coats with hankies and studs. Mugging and stabbing are not just the perogative of the underclass.


I find your comment offensive and should be moderated. ;)


Oh, you are one. :good:



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1-15AM, just got home from a good night lamping & greeted by police cars & streets cordoned off with tape, eventually got through & get to my house, pull into garage unload rifles put them in cabinet, then into lounge & ask wife whats all the police presence in aid off. I couldn't beleive my ears when she told me. Early in the evening 3 local lads had been sniffing petrol, got high as a kite & decided to pour petrol over 1 of them & then set him on fire. With out using the Lords name in vain, my immediate reaction was JESUS CHRIST what the hell was going through their heads, then came the extra bodyblow, because these weren't crack heads out of their skull on drugs, they were 2 11yr olds & 1 10yr old. Tell me lads,what the hell world are we living in.



Bet they dont do it again!!

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I find your comment offensive and should be moderated.

there,s a thing, who mods the mods?:good:?;)?:D?:/??



WHY? what your actually saying is that personal opinions should be moderated


It says on the original post that the lads weren't smack heads, No they weren't they were petrol heads instead


once word gets around about what they did, hopefully it will put off other kids from doing similar things,


sorry if you dont like my previous post but i have no sympathy for them if there gonna act like ####s

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I don't think National Service would change a damn thing. Remember that the old-fashioned Sgt. Major can't shout at or give PT to the recruits any more, so none of the punishments work to get the scrotes out of their bad habits.


Besides, two years of service would just mean that the 16-18 year old scrotes that went in would come out as 18-20 year old _organised_ scrotes that new about weapons and tactics. I'm not sure I would want that and the govt would sure as hell try and avoid paying for that.


Want my advice? Get the prisoners out of the jails and get them doing something useful, like clearing litter from the roadside or farming the old-fashioned way.

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I find your comment offensive and should be moderated.

there,s a thing, who mods the mods?:good:?;)?:D?:/??



WHY? what your actually saying is that personal opinions should be moderated


It says on the original post that the lads weren't smack heads, No they weren't they were petrol heads instead


once word gets around about what they did, hopefully it will put off other kids from doing similar things,


sorry if you dont like my previous post but i have no sympathy for them if there gonna act like ####s


do try and keep up please.

the above is a quotefrom one member to another. its not about you.

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Sorry if i didnt read the post properly but it still reads to me like you were having a go at me!!


post 18 is not a reply to post 17. read it all if you are confused.


this bit was first used in post 14


I find your comment offensive and should be moderated.


any clearer.

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Sorry if i didnt read the post properly but it still reads to me like you were having a go at me!!


post 18 is not a reply to post 17. read it all if you are confused.


this bit was first used in post 14


I find your comment offensive and should be moderated.


any clearer.



Mark, you can count :good:


KK, everyone is entitled to an opinion and entitled to express it. Conversely everyone is entitled to be offended (as I was). The post could have been worded better, in that it inferred that only kids from rough homes go around in hoodies etc. I found it a lot one sided and bigoted. I might add, not normally the sort of thing that Cranfield would do but worthy of rebuke.





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