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EVO you no you need to get a custom bsa by MR JB . ill go and get my tin hat on !!!!

get back in the kitchen Gordon, :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:


the rats will miss you 2moro kidda ha ha, more for me anyway


I,ll vid it just to rub it in :good:


Nice one. Gun would good with a ... Rowan Engineering adjustable butt plate. Recoil not with mine.

agree mate, thinking of getting a single loader also

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One word of advice that comes from a guy at my air gun club who owns a huntsman and a hw100. When loading the hw100 mags make sure the pellets are recessed in the mag and not flush with the holes in the mag. He had some issues with his until he tried this and now hes fine. Sounds silly i know

totally agree where daystates are concerned but I didn,t know they had that problem with the hw,s , I know for sure with the daystate mags the pellet needs to be pushed in slightly until it sits on the mag o ring, its not affected any of mine but I do know of a few it has, cheers

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Hi Evo,

It looks like we are in a similar place here.

Have you given the barrel a pull threw? My barrel was full of $***, 9 cleaning patches were needed to get it clean.

I see what you mean about the recoil, it is more than with the Daystate`s but doesnt put me off at all. The action is also louder than the Daystate too but again I am really not worried about this as I dont need a mute rifle.

I was surprised that the trigger blade was plastic but actually in use I dont notice it, the first stage is nice and long and the second is light and crisp. When the rifle gets serviced in the future I may get a metal blade but its really not a burning issue for me.

When I got the rifle it was a gnats whisker under 11ftlb which I was told will likely rise to 11.1ftlb as it settles in, this was with a 8.4gn pellet, really I would have liked to have seen 11.3/11.4ftlb but maybe thats something else to have sorted when serviced some time in the future.

Another tip I was given was to remove the O-ring in the barrel band so the barrel should free float, mine does.

On Friday I went to Atherton indoor range which is the perfect zero range facility. The pellets I had were:


H&N Barracuda

Weihrauch FT Special

JSB Heavys

AA Field Diablo

I had always had good results with all these in my Daystate MK4, but my new HW100KT didnt like any of these sadly as I had hoped that either the AA Fields and especially the JSB Heavys would be a good match. Sadly it wasnt to be, the AA and JSB were okay but not great.

So I approached a guy called Keith whos a regular bench rest shooter there at Atherton with his HW100 .177, so I asked him what he would recommended and I showed him what I had tried. He tipped me a few pellets from an open tin he had and said to try them. Off I toddled and 10 min later was back, What were they ???? They had just given me a 40 yard group of: H: 11mm X W: 13.5 mm, that was 10 shots and I was very happy. He showed me they were JSB Express (7.9gn , 4.52) and when I looked at what the others were using in there HW100`s there they all seemed to be using these Express too. He Said AA express (blue tin) were equally as good too.

So I bought a tin of these and got myself zeroed. I used half of that tin and bought a second tin.





Sunday saw me do my first ever registered HFT comp, I didnt do brilliant in but that was no fault of the rifle, I scored 44/60. I did enjoy it though and have signed up for my next HFT comp. I just need some more practise at the steep down hill shots.



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Also a cheap way to buy JSB`s is to buy from Germany and the prices are great, apparently they are arriving in good condition also.

Here is a link to the site:




I will be ordering 5 tins in next month so that I am well stocked without spening masses.


I know that Phil Hardman always used to use the lighter pellets also for hunting.





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Tsk Tsk Bob, you should have been a bit more patient and had mine!! You've seen the vid of the grouping on youtube, you've seen the kill picks, now here's the new stock to make you drool :lol:





Seriously......chrono 20 or so shots and see what the variation is. The barrel can't change, the MV might, but neither of those will give you a flier. My HW is as smooth as silk. So much so, that you would not believe its nudging 12ftlbs. The Air Ranger is way more rural than the HW on firing. Difference between champagne and lemonade!! Oh and mine works best on AA 4.52.


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fenboy +1 before I got the hw100 ks in 177 I had a hw100 kt in 22 and tried a lot of pellets and found it loved rws superdomes. I have only had the hw100 ks 177 a few weeks and its been on aa field I am getting good groups, but I am going to try rws superdomes to see if I get better results


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Tsk Tsk Bob, you should have been a bit more patient and had mine!! You've seen the vid of the grouping on youtube, you've seen the kill picks, now here's the new stock to make you drool :lol:

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Seriously......chrono 20 or so shots and see what the variation is. The barrel can't change, the MV might, but neither of those will give you a flier. My HW is as smooth as silk. So much so, that you would not believe its nudging 12ftlbs. The Air Ranger is way more rural than the HW on firing. Difference between champagne and lemonade!! Oh and mine works best on AA 4.52.


I waited for you to get back to me but ya didn,t,, don't forget I want first clout if its still up for sale,,


ps ,,your stock is nearly as nice as mine lol


Edited by evo
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Also a cheap way to buy JSB`s is to buy from Germany and the prices are great, apparently they are arriving in good condition also.

Here is a link to the site:




I will be ordering 5 tins in next month so that I am well stocked without spening masses.


I know that Phil Hardman always used to use the lighter pellets also for hunting.





I order all my jsb,s from there Matt, they come very well packaged mate and are in excellent condition when they arrive, I normally order 10 tins at a time and dish them out amongst some of the lads, excellent service aswell but be careful not to order over 2kg as the postage shoots up,,parden the punt,


Matt can you chrono the jsb Heavies and get back to me with the results, chrono them around the 180bar in the rifle, i think it will open your eyes,


cheers Bob

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Another fan of the hw100 here, if I ever get to use it!. Lovely gun, very consistent and quality build. He's a little high, my fault for not teaching him how to use the mil dot's yet. Good fun was had by all.

brilliant photo, had to laugh as his little finger only just reaches the trigger,,



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What air rifle...


97K .177. I have won HFT medals, travelled far and wide and hunted my most successful lamping trip with the 97. It is pellet on pellet out to 36 yards measured IF all the screws are kept tight.


BSA Scorpion .22 FAC. It's like a fridge. How many sleepless nights has your fridge given you? Plug it in and use it. Boringly accurate, boringly reliable, a lighter more ethical choice over the hold sensitive HW with fewer odd/pulled shots and in FAC the same trajectory.


CZ 634. Easy to load, very light, full 11.7 ft-lbs and eminently tunable. Hold sensitive as a virgin, but very satisfying to shoot accurately and what I dreamt of owning throughout an impoverished childhood. The last one I would ever sell, and for very little rational reason at all.

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Bob, I don't have a chronograph but will try to borrow one and will let you know!


I know when I left the shop it was doing 770fps with a 8.4gn pellet but they said the power may rise a little over its first tin as it settles.


T33 that stock is rather nice looking.





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I waited for you to get back to me but ya didn,t,, don't forget I want first clout if its still up for sale,,


ps ,,your stock is nearly as nice as mine lol



Sorry Bob, was away for a couple of days, and when I looked at the thread, you seemed to be having second thoughts based on the leaky ones, so I left it.


Nearly as nice as yours :lol: Specsavers matey :lol::lol:

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Sorry Bob, was away for a couple of days, and when I looked at the thread, you seemed to be having second thoughts based on the leaky ones, so I left it.


Nearly as nice as yours :lol: Specsavers matey :lol::lol:

:lol::lol: :lol: :lol: , whatever tickles ya fancy kidda,,


ok I did some tests this morning and was quite surprised by the results , I tried some different things and have found some weird results, firstly I could not understand why the recoil felt so strong so I decided to take the bipod off and shoot from a bean bag rest,, the results where totally different, grouping was a lot tighter, so I ended up putting 2 slightly thicker pads between the bipod and the stock, well blow me it totally changed how the rifle was performing also, the hammer hitting the valve seemed the same and still sounded like a twang but the difference in this recoil issue was unreal,

here is a chrono list using the different pellets through the rifle, this morning I have probably put over 500 pellets through the rifle,


Accu FT 8.64g 4.52 AA Flds 8.40g 4.52 H&N FTT 8.64g 4.52 JSB Exct 8.44g 4.53 JSB Ext Hvy 10.34g 4.52 Bara Mtch 10.65g 4.52


11.38 772 11.56 787 11.53 777 11.63 789 11.88 721 11.69 705


11.33 770 11.56 787 11.46 775 11.77 794 11.93 722 11.73 706


11.53 777 11.44 783 11.56 778 11.98 801 11.93 722 11.61 702


11.53 777 11.70 792 11.53 777 11.79 795 11.98 723 11.80 708


11.38 772 11.58 788 11.41 773 11.49 785 11.81 720 11.72 705



as you can see from the list above the jsb heavies are too close for comfort, I did a full 50 shot group with them and not once did it go over the 12ftlb limit but on several occasions it came pretty close, so I think a trip back to the shop is called for as these are running very close to the boarder and the rifle is a bit too close for comfort with these pellets,


I also used the Bis mags and these shot between 11.40 696 and 11.86 710 so they stayed pretty safe,


in my daystates, the AirArms Diabolo,s 4.52 always give the highest readings regarding the ftlb,s but as you can see it was not the case here as BOTH jsb,s came out on top,


I will put a picture up 2moro with regards the new groups now bipod is sorted, I,m going to wait until the warranty is up and then fully strip this rifle down and polish all the internals as I think it will certainly improve its performance from where it is now,


atb Evo

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I do believe your falling in love with your new gun.

wish I could agree ,,but I cant,


its grouping well now with the jsb heavies and I,m quite happy with it,, is it as accurate as my air ranger ? at the moment NO, I cant really speak with regards to the accuracy because I don't think I have found the right pellet for it yet, the bis mags just wont perform in it at all, I cannot get them to group under 1 inch at 40 yrds,I cant find my tin of bloody express either and they normally perform well in any rifle,


one thing I will say is the HW100kt wont be making me move from daystate, oh and now I,ve tried it, I do prefer the bolt off the daystates over the side lever on the HW

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Take my Ultra for a couple of days Bob and give it a real trial .. see how it performs in comparison to your new HW .. you've had a few goes of it, but not an indepth trial. Its a carbine and "lightweight" ..

as soon as I,ve finished this Hw100kt pete I,ll have a run with it,,


also this bloody Air ranger is doing my head in, I cant get the bottle off to change the seal, looks like a trip to the gunsmith mate,

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Bob, there's possibly a clue in your signature? You have 5 rifles, 4 of which you have no issues with accuracy wise, 1 you do. By coincidence, the 4 accurate ones, apart from being Daystates, also all wear Hawke Panorama 3-9x50's. The 5th "inaccurate one" has a Leapers 6x24x56.


Just a possibility that...........maybe........... :hmm:


Also there is the distinct chance that your cheekbone has evolved to the shape of a Daystate through over exposure and that no other rifle will ever fit :lol: Yeer doomed mr Mannering :lol::lol:



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Bob, there's possibly a clue in your signature? You have 5 rifles, 4 of which you have no issues with accuracy wise, 1 you do. By coincidence, the 4 accurate ones, apart from being Daystates, also all wear Hawke Panorama 3-9x50's. The 5th "inaccurate one" has a Leapers 6x24x56.


Just a possibility that...........maybe........... :hmm:



Marc,,, my thoughts exactly,, I bought a brand new panorama with the rifle, got home and no mounts in the box, my fault for not checking, popping out this morning to get some mate, I do think that is the problem bud, although nowt wrong with the leapers I,m just not comfy with it

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