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FIFA - yet more intrigue


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Saw on the news that Blatter has come out and said they had decided that Russia would get the 2018 World Cup even before the vote - and he still can't see there being a problem! Hope our FA asks for the money they spent on the UK bid to be returned then...

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You have to remember that Blatter and most of his cronies come from a world in which everybody behaves like he has, politicians, bankers, police, lawyers and local officials. Thats the Euopean way and always has been and it has been exported round the world as well. Thats one of the reasons why the EU was never going to work. FIFA is run the same way as the EU in so many ways,


One of the interesting thing that appears to have come out of this is Blatter's genuine inability to understand why anybody could possibly think there was anything unusual in the way things were run. Thats the really significant back story to all of this.

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You have to remember that Blatter and most of his cronies come from a world in which everybody behaves like he has, politicians, bankers, police, lawyers and local officials. Thats the Euopean way and always has been and it has been exported round the world as well. Thats one of the reasons why the EU was never going to work. FIFA is run the same way as the EU in so many ways,


One of the interesting thing that appears to have come out of this is Blatter's genuine inability to understand why anybody could possibly think there was anything unusual in the way things were run. Thats the really significant back story to all of this.


Now that deserves "post of the month"!


When dealing with Europeans we're not dealing with Brits who talk with a funny accent.

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Rotten to the core ,and they don't see anything wrong with their actions .

I have no doubt whatsoever that there are equally suspicious activities that have and still are going on a lot closer to home .I'm afraid it's the same old story that once these huge sums of money are brandished about then corruption and greed aren't far behind .

Mind you have to feel for the players on £100,000+ a week, and after about 3 months of the season are tired out and need a rest .

Different world boy ..different world .

Edited by Jega
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