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Remington 11-87 heavy recoil


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Recently purchased a Remington 11-87 Premier which appears in good condition.

Whilst it cycles faultlessly with 24gm and above loads it has very heavy recoil - much worse than my alloy action game O/U which weighs about 2lbs less!

Reading up on internet suggests that the action spring, in the stock, could have weakened/broken and could cause this.

Anyone any experience of this and is the action spring easy to replace.

Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for the replies.

Couldn't find anything relevant on youtube so decided to remove/check it anyway. Came out easy enough but appears to be in good order. Posts on American forums seem to suggest new spring is 15in long. Problems start when the un-tensioned length falls to less than 14in. My spring measures 14.5in so maybe not the problem.

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The Remington 1100/1187 in 12g is around 8lb in weight and I have found them to be the softest autos for recoil bar none

The only thing I can think of is maybe the barrel ports have been opened by a former owner

This would make the bolt come back faster and slam into the back of the receiver

...Or look at the back of the bolt and see if the recoil buffer is intact and undamaged , may even be missing

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Here is a chart of gas port sizes

It will enable you to check if your barrel has been modified or still factory spec.


How far is your 1187 throwing ejected cartridges ?...mine go about 3 - 4 feet with1oz carts

Much further is a sign of a weak stock action spring and/or ports too large

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I recall 'kick' has a lot to do with cartridge movement at firing and not only the result of the powder blast. In a non semi, a poor fitting cartridge head (thickness) in the barrels counter bore recess makes for more kick. In the case of a semi-auto, if the block is not retained well forward i.e. a weak spring, it will result in more kick.

Edited by B25Modelman
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Thanks for your continuing replies.

I have checked the breech bolt buffer and it is worn level with the rear face of the bolt. Given the low cost I have ordered one and await the result.

The cartridges do eject about 6-8 feet so looks like the action spring is also weak. I shall probably go for the SureCycle upgrade once I see what effect the new buffer has.

Thanks to TDS for the info on port sizes. I will check. I was surprised that the gun cycled 24 gram loads - perhaps this is why.

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I was also surprised your gun cycled 24g carts..

Never tried them in mine as supposedly the 1187 was designed for 30g (1 1/8oz) but some/most run ok with 28g

My guns run perfectly with 28g but strangely are also ok with 65mm length also

A lot of Rems reportedly do not like these and need 67mm carts

Yet I have a Beretta A303 and this will baulk at 65mm length carts

Back to recoil again , a few weeks ago whilst shooting clays a friend asked to try my Remington

He was shooting a new Benelli inertia semi

So we swapped for a few shots...his reaction was "there is no kick at all"..

Mine was "its like being hit with a hammer"

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I was interested by TDS's comments regarding use of 65 & 67mm cartridges. Is your gun 23/4in chambers. Mine is 3in and I have used only 70mm as I expected to get problems with anything shorter.

Regarding the ability to cycle 24gm in mine would a weak action spring help in cycling the lower power load.

i have checked the barrel ports and they appear standard.

Gun fit is something I had considered but I ensured the butt was tight into my shoulder pocket and even so the recoil was like being hit with a hammer!

Thanks again for all the replies.

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My Remingtons have both 2 3/4" and 3" chambered barrels and both cycle 65mm Hull Comp X 28g carts ok

Thankful that they do as I bought a few thousand when they were on offer

The Beretta does not like them at all

I am still baffled why you are getting so much recoil as 1100/1187s are considered to be one of the softest shooting s/a shotguns when working properly

There is so much weight to soak up the recoil i.e at least 8lb and a slower shuffle like recoil pulse , not as fast and harsh as a Beretta or SX3

Personally I would not start playing with different springs...just use factory spec otherwise you might introduce cycling problems

The stock and mag spring are meant to be a balanced system..a bit like a seesaw , wrong weight at one end and you will not go up and down

Cleaning and maintaining link here http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=113015&sid=4458ed58529aa1179231f5844d7786e2#

Also tells you how to change the bolt buffer

Another thought is your barrel on tight ie with the bolt back before tightening

Will continue to keep thinking , but as said before totally baffled

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I was also surprised your gun cycled 24g carts..Never tried them in mine as supposedly the 1187 was designed for 30g (1 1/8oz) but some/most run ok with 28gMy guns run perfectly with 28g but strangely are also ok with 65mm length alsoA lot of Rems reportedly do not like these and need 67mm cartsYet I have a Beretta A303 and this will baulk at 65mm length cartsBack to recoil again , a few weeks ago whilst shooting clays a friend asked to try my RemingtonHe was shooting a new Benelli inertia semiSo we swapped for a few shots...his reaction was "there is no kick at all"..Mine was "its like being hit with a hammer"

I thought the 1187 was designed to shoot anything as it has the gas compensating valve, where the 1100 does not, my 1187 premier trap is soft as anything and will cycle 24g no problem, I've got it for sale in the gun section as I have 3 beretta semi's so I tend to use them all the time

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The 1187 can use either 2 3/4" or 3" max...the compensating valve , the spring that covers 2 extra ports , only activates with heavier 3" mag loads..

This vents off the excess gas through the fore-end to save excessive bolt speed battering the back of the receiver

As you will see from this overview from Remington the 1187 is intended for 30g carts...https://support.remington.com/General_Information/My_Model_1100_or_Model_11-87_Premier_is_not_cycling_properly,_what_can_be_the_problem%3F

This is probably Remington being conservative and to avoid litigation..they also state you cannot use an 1187 barrel on an 1100

I have been doing this for years as have others

As said previously I have never tried 24g loads , may work in mine but cannot see the point with a gas semi auto...the more shot the better

Edited by TDS
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Many years ago I bought an 1187 sporter which had the light contour barrel fitted, it was nearly new and compared to an 1100 the recoil was very heavy. I don't know why it kicked so much but I got rid of it.


One which I should have kept was an 1100 Tournament Trap, that was the softest shooting gun apart from a very heavy K80 that I dallied with.

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Got a new action spring in the post today.

Tried to fit it. It is so tight in the tube you don't need the cross pin to keep it in, it just stays there compressed! Waiting to hear supplier's response. I won't bother to drill and fit the bolt buffer until I get a spring that fits.

Thanks for all the replies.

added: Have got to return the spring for a refund. All their springs will be the same so won't fit and can't get one elsewhere so stuffed for now.

Edited by DaveyTed
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