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A Day Of Roughing It


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Yesterday was the first of a trio of rough days we hold on a few farms with some like minded friends from our Syndicate. The weather was much better than forecast and after a quick cuppa and the safety chat we went to gear up. Half of the team today were using subgauges, two with 20s, two including myself with 28s and one with a nice Rizzini 410. We worked a piece of orchard and thick hedge, the Guns stood around to intercept any escapees as two members beat it out. First shot of the day was from me just as I loaded a Fiocchi cartridge into my gun and down spiralled an unfortunate Magpie that had come from behind. A few bangs and shouts later heralded something has been flushed then a Pheasant broke out and climbed to be dropped nicely with the 410 in front, another falling victim to the other team members 28. As we finished that part, another Pheasant, a Squirrel and a Wood Pigeon had also been added to the bag. We carried on doing similar piece of rough ground and wooded areas, including some nice fields of vegetables and maize.

We had less dogs than usual to help find the game and some canny birds were running back between us or breaking wide but we were having fun. The only unfortunate thing is there seems to be more and more human activity and noise than other years and also heavy hedge cutting has hindered the habitats the wildlife used to be found and thrived. No duck were present on either pond which was a shame as they usually add a bit of sport. I had a lovely shot of a rabbit as the dogs flushed it safely across an open field, causing it to roll head over heels to a dose of No 5s. My final shot of the day was a long crossing shot at an old Cock bird that tried to escape out the side of a piece of cover.

As he trudged back tired, barrels and boots splattered with Devon Red Mud and panting dogs at our heels, we were all smiling at another successful mixed day of rough shooting.

Total bag was 20 Pheasants, 1 Carrion Crow, 3 Wood Pigeons, 1 Magpie, 2 Squirrels and a Rabbit



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