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France v Ireland v roost shooting - no contest.


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The Six Nations Championship is eagerly anticipated by me but it coincides with roost shooting. That matters little when very boring fare like the first half of today's match is served up and I had no trouble leaving the match at 3:30 to drive three miles to the roosting wood. Two of us were to cover a long wood which was a mixture of conifers and deciduous trees.


Long before roosting time pigeons flitted over the tall trees and I had to give myself a telling off for shooting at out of range birds. The problem is if you shoot some of these long birds it seems natural to try to get some more.


Banging in the far distance no doubt helped to move birds on from outlying woods and I had plenty of shooting and between us my companion and I shot 40 pigeons and three carrion crows.


Jasper did very well. He was as steady as normal and his marking was excellent

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