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Help/advise required re aim stability..


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Hi Guys,

Need some help from your experiences, am new to bit night rabbiting/foxing. While mostly as startup i go out for bit rabbiting but main problem am having is stability, i bought some cheap bipod sticks though they'll help.. i can quickly and easily aim near rabbit but when am trying to stabilize and take a proper shot my aim keep waving around rabbit .. goes couple inches right of rabbit comes back to rabbit goes left... and then again right along with some up/down waves as well.. i keep on trying to take time control breath but always fail. Do you guys think if cheap/expensive bipod shooting sticks makes much difference and if i go for tripod will it help me in stabilizing aim? Am struggling a bit, as taking couple of mint to take a shot and still fail..

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its impossible to keep a gun rock steady, nobody can do this even heat beat will give a bounce. what we learn is an ability to ignore it and release the shot at the correct time.

Stance, breathing and even heart control come into it with much practice and the trigger sear is automatically released at the correct moment. Sounds a lot but practice makes it all automatic.


just worth looking at your set up and how it fits you and its balance, I have held some other peoples rifles and thought "how the heck do you shoot that worth a jot" and others were I think " nice want one"


I recommend lots of dry practice and a little experimentation with stance etc.

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Look up marksmanship principles on the tinterweb and practice the techniques over and over again on paper targets. Shooting is an art that needs practice to become natural to you. Problem is when shooting live targets adrenaline and nerves can make you shake anyway and getting your breathing right becomes harder. You can't beat having someone experienced help you if you can find someone local. Keep it up you'll get there👍

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I could have started this thread as I'm absolutely useless at this style of shooting. Un/fortunately, I don't/can't as my old legs have long ago reduced me to ambushing things when not actually shooting from the truck. When necessary, I get around it by also carrying a small lightweight stool and a piece of lightweight but stiff plastic board. When at the ambush point, sit on stool, board on lap, elbows on board and gun resting on the tripod and I'm now able to shoot rabbit successfully.


Which tripod? This might help improve the situation even when standing:



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agree basically i have no issues getting pests from truck not at all, only when kind of stalking rabbits.. now a days fields are quite wet and i don't drive on grass patches as all i'll leave is a mess behind and high chances of getting stuck as well.. I got normal bipod

something like below. A friend got tripod primos, and he suggested that.. if somehow i can get a decent tripod, that will help me stablize a lot more.. but just after more advise and a lot people down here and like you guys have gone through a phase probably through which am going through now :)..



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The only way that I can come close to any degree of accuracy when standing is to bring both elbows in tight to my chest/stomach for support and gripping the wrist to which my trigger finger is attached with the other hand (Bren gun), resting the gun on the bi/tripod as you would the bipod attached to the gun and force myself to relax as any sign of tension means I may as well use the bipod as a spear.

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Chap I think you are putting to much pressure/weight on the gun meaning your leaning to hard into it or pushing down to much on the bipod, another common factor is shooters buy 50mm scopes which require extra high scope mounts meaning to look through the scope you have to take your cheek off the butt to look down the scope losing your stability. By the sound of it it's more to do with the leaning on the rifle too much as your shots seem fine in the truck probably because your centre of gravity is further back in the chair and thus less weight on the rifle.


Advice: In the case you using a 50mm scope buy yourself a good butt comb/cheek rest so when your completely relaxed you can see right down the scope without using your neck muscles


Second: when you go to take a shot practice just letting the rifle rest in your shoulder with minimal pressure the less you pressure on the rifle the less movement you will experience and pull the trigger slowly so it almost surprises you.


Other than that the rest is practice makes perfect control your breathing and try not to let the adrenaline get the better of you.


This is just my opinion hope this helps PM if you want.



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Chap I think you are putting to much pressure/weight on the gun meaning your leaning to hard into it or pushing down to much on the bipod, another common factor is shooters buy 50mm scopes which require extra high scope mounts meaning to look through the scope you have to take your cheek off the butt to look down the scope losing your stability. By the sound of it it's more to do with the leaning on the rifle too much as your shots seem fine in the truck probably because your centre of gravity is further back in the chair and thus less weight on the rifle.


Advice: In the case you using a 50mm scope buy yourself a good butt comb/cheek rest so when your completely relaxed you can see right down the scope without using your neck muscles


Second: when you go to take a shot practice just letting the rifle rest in your shoulder with minimal pressure the less you pressure on the rifle the less movement you will experience and pull the trigger slowly so it almost surprises you.


Other than that the rest is practice makes perfect control your breathing and try not to let the adrenaline get the better of you.


This is just my opinion hope this helps PM if you want.



Nick, If I'm Chap, many thanks for posting. All good points. I have a shotgun comb raiser on the butt which does the job nicely. I take your point about the pressure on the rifle which is why I try to relax and let the rifle point naturally at the target. The real problem - and if you can come up with an answer I'll be delighted and all ears - is I fear that this knadgered old septuagenarian whose worn out knees prevent his upper body from keeping still, simply has to accept his limitations. :good:

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Nick, If I'm Chap, many thanks for posting. All good points. I have a shotgun comb raiser on the butt which does the job nicely. I take your point about the pressure on the rifle which is why I try to relax and let the rifle point naturally at the target. The real problem - and if you can come up with an answer I'll be delighted and all ears - is I fear that this knadgered old septuagenarian whose worn out knees prevent his upper body from keeping still, simply has to accept his limitations. :good:

Well good man the response was to Adi786 however the same advice could help you 😆. As for the worn out knees doesn't mean a thing nothing a little improvisation can't fix just means you should take shots seated or prone in the mean time I will look for the fountain of youth for you. 😂😂😂



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Well good man the response was to Adi786 however the same advice could help you . As for the worn out knees doesn't mean a thing nothing a little improvisation can't fix just means you should take shots seated or prone in the mean time I will look for the fountain of youth for you.




I agree mate i've noticed my cz stock is bit low and i do have to raise cheek for clear view.. its not natural mount as u mount and you get straight barrel in front of you (shotgun).. any idea which cheek/butt raiser i should go for, had a quick look around all seems bit xpensive.. i have same issue re my cheek on both cz's as i ended up getting same model.. 22/17 ..

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I agree mate i've noticed my cz stock is bit low and i do have to raise cheek for clear view.. its not natural mount as u mount and you get straight barrel in front of you (shotgun).. any idea which cheek/butt raiser i should go for, had a quick look around all seems bit xpensive.. i have same issue re my cheek on both cz's as i ended up getting same model.. 22/17 ..

This is the one I use it took a while to break it in but I would be lost without it now high enough for me that I can completely relax and still see straight down the sights.



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Sounds like you would benefit from some time on the range :yes: at least that way you could practice different positions etc before going onto live :good:


O yes, is there any other ranges around Bluebarrels, the only one i know is the target shooting club and i need to blody join them become full member and then that will be added to my condition... but am allowed to go shooting ranges not sure if there are any around us?

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Chap I think you are putting to much pressure/weight on the gun meaning your leaning to hard into it or pushing down to much on the bipod, another common factor is shooters buy 50mm scopes which require extra high scope mounts meaning to look through the scope you have to take your cheek off the butt to look down the scope losing your stability. By the sound of it it's more to do with the leaning on the rifle too much as your shots seem fine in the truck probably because your centre of gravity is further back in the chair and thus less weight on the rifle.


Advice: In the case you using a 50mm scope buy yourself a good butt comb/cheek rest so when your completely relaxed you can see right down the scope without using your neck muscles


Second: when you go to take a shot practice just letting the rifle rest in your shoulder with minimal pressure the less you pressure on the rifle the less movement you will experience and pull the trigger slowly so it almost surprises you.


Other than that the rest is practice makes perfect control your breathing and try not to let the adrenaline get the better of you.


This is just my opinion hope this helps PM if you want.




Absolutely correct mate re leaning.. so far.. i just took my air rifle out which is bit heavy and gives same feeling as others.. Got primos trigger stick today put it on lights off and outside window there was small bulb like 30 yards was trying to aim it and i leaned slight forward, and also hold it bit hard bloody my aim was waving right left.. but probably due to tripod sticks it was not moving forward back this time... i stood straight or leaned slightly back taking pressure of rifle and aim went quite stable... mostly on target.. the light was small bulb so in scope seems to be 1/1.5 inch .. going to try same with my bipod sticks but for sure leaning slight back or standing straight does add lots stability..

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O yes, is there any other ranges around Bluebarrels, the only one i know is the target shooting club and i need to blody join them become full member and then that will be added to my condition... but am allowed to go shooting ranges not sure if there are any around us?

Have you not got a field (with suitable backstop)you could use on one of your perms :good:


My shooting mate always zeros/and practices positions etc on one of the fields on our perm :good: BB

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Have you not got a field (with suitable backstop)you could use on one of your perms :good:


My shooting mate always zeros/and practices positions etc on one of the fields on our perm :good: BB


o yes i do same in my field... just asking for zeroing purpose, as due to weather cant take rest/bench etc so mostly zero from car, on long range just need bit more stability and in most shooting ranges they have benches etc fitted with stands.. just to play with ranges more accurately..

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Hi Guys,

Need some help from your experiences, am new to bit night rabbiting/foxing. While mostly as startup i go out for bit rabbiting but main problem am having is stability, i bought some cheap bipod sticks though they'll help.. i can quickly and easily aim near rabbit but when am trying to stabilize and take a proper shot my aim keep waving around rabbit .. goes couple inches right of rabbit comes back to rabbit goes left... and then again right along with some up/down waves as well.. i keep on trying to take time control breath but always fail. Do you guys think if cheap/expensive bipod shooting sticks makes much difference and if i go for tripod will it help me in stabilizing aim? Am struggling a bit, as taking couple of mint to take a shot and still fail..


Bipod sticks do not help me a lot unless from a seated position.

I am more than pleased with my homebuild quadsticks.Takes a bit of getting used to if walking around but ideal if shooting from a fixed vantage point.

Make a set up and just try them out I feel sure they would help greatly.

I do not do freehand shots at any range over 20/30 yards for the same reason as you and it would not be fair to the quarry.

Edited by Good shot?
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