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Roe Doe and Pigeons


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Had the pleasure of taking TonyG out today after a Roa Doe. Day started off with a walk across fields of about 1/2 a mile to an area where I knew there were a few Deer. It did not take long until we were looking at 3 which were moving around some ploughing about 400 yards away to our left trouble was a Fox appeared to the front at the same time and then as we were working out what approach to take 2 more appeared on the horizon to our right. The Fox had disappeared so we decided to head off after the 2 on the right.

We worked our way up a slope toward a small spinney, naturally just as we were crossing a small exposed area the 2 Roe could be seen in the spinney trouble was they could also see us. They took off into the adjoining rape field and stopped about 60 yards away right on the horizon (no safe shot) they hesitated unsure of what they had seen. To our surprise they walked straight back toward us and passed within 20 yards heading downhill (again no safe shot) and of course they did spot us and were away.


We continued toward the top hedge far side of the spinney and headed right along the hedge toward a regular couching up spot. Sure enough 5 Roe (2 Does, 1 good Buck and 2 yearlings) they were eating and "playing" about 150 yards ahead. We edged very carefully toward them having to be very aware that we were approaching over a skyline and down a hedge line in view. We got to withing 80/70 yards when 4 went through the hedge (and over the boundary). For some reason a Doe stayed put against the hedge in amongst some long grass. At this point I sent TonyG forward alone - telling him to get a bit closer so that he would have a safe slightly downhill shot. This he did until as I watched he mounted the rifle on the sticks, after what seemed an age the shot and reassuring thud - Deer down.


Nice Doe in the bag - clean kill shot to the chest.


Well done that man - he did eventually stop shaking.


When Tony had headed home I popped out for an afternoon on the pigeons ended up with 89.post-30115-0-67165000-1456609201_thumb.jpg


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A massive thank you to Stu who promised me a Roe and came up trumps today after 2 half chances last Saturday The reason I took so long on the shot was after putting up the sticks and looking through the scope the shakes kicked in ! Few deep breaths and a gentle squeeze of the trigger and she was mine Amazing how some of the deer run at the slightest sight of you while some come back to see what you are ! We saw a couple of lovely bucks in velvet while out today so hopefully these will keep Stu's population of roe fit and healthy Loved every minute while out stalking and who knows,maybe back for a buck a bit later in the year Once again big thanks Stu,top man !

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