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Lyalvale Express Magnasonic 3" 17g #5 .410 Subsonic

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I use a hushpower 410 for squirrel control next to houses. I find a std 2.5 9gm cartridge is as quite as a magnum subsonic. I've not had a squirrel yet survive a well place shot at the tallest of beach trees!

If you can get a cheaper cartridge I would say there is no option. Of course a 5# is even harder hitting at distance to the std 6#


Out of interest how much are they?

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They were just under £70 for a slab, where the Eley Magnum subsonics were about £80 I think.

The fourlongs were about £65 ish a slab, so I thought for a fiver more I'd give these 3" Magnasonic ones a go.

I got them locally but JustCartridges do them at £75 or £265 per thousand.

At those prices I can't afford to use a thousand! Should have stuck to 12 bore lol

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I use a hushpower 410 for squirrel control next to houses. I find a std 2.5 9gm cartridge is as quite as a magnum subsonic. I've not had a squirrel yet survive a well place shot at the tallest of beach trees!

If you can get a cheaper cartridge I would say there is no option. Of course a 5# is even harder hitting at distance to the std 6#


Out of interest how much are they?

I guess "2.5 9gn" are Gamebore? if so I've found them to be louder than Eley Fourlong, interestingly I've also found 2" shells to be as loud as 3" through my Husher.


Here are the pellet counts for ----


3" 17g of #5 = 103 pellets


2.5" 12.5g of #7 150 pellets which carries 0.85ft/lb of energy at 45yrd (0.85ftlb recognised as the minimum for pigeon)


So why use anything larger than #7 - 2.4mm as pattern always fails before power? Unless your gun patterns massively tight with #5's then your effective range will be lower than #7's, and if your gun does pattern that tight with #5's then you'd need to be an ace shooter as the spread will be as tight as a crabs ****!

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I guess "2.5 9gn" are Gamebore? if so I've found them to be louder than Eley Fourlong, interestingly I've also found 2" shells to be as loud as 3" through my Husher.


Here are the pellet counts for ----


3" 17g of #5 = 103 pellets


2.5" 12.5g of #7 150 pellets which carries 0.85ft/lb of energy at 45yrd (0.85ftlb recognised as the minimum for pigeon)


So why use anything larger than #7 - 2.4mm as pattern always fails before power? Unless your gun patterns massively tight with #5's then your effective range will be lower than #7's, and if your gun does pattern that tight with #5's then you'd need to be an ace shooter as the spread will be as tight as a crabs ****!


I worked out a 3" 17g #5 would have about 130 pellets so a bit more than a 2.5" 12.5g #6 Fourlong with around 121 pellets that a lot of people like.

If it gives me a similar result and is quieter then that's worth having. Then again it may sound the same and be a waste of time and money!

I may try some 7 or 7.5's next as like you say, it's probably more important to have more pellets in the pattern.


Here's some options with shot count in brackets and price for a slab of 250 from JustCartridges.

Eley 2.5” Fourlong 12.5g 5(96),6(121),7(149) £64.75


Eley 3” Magnum 18g 5(139),6(174),7(215) £74.75
Lyalvale Express 2.5” 14g 5(108),6(136),7(168),9(281) £65.50
Lyalvale Express 3” 16g 5(123),6(155) £72.50
Lyalvale Express 3” Magnasonic 17g 5(131) £75.50

Fiocchi 3” Magnum Plastic 19g 6 true English 5.5(159),7.5 true 7(228),8 true 7.5(268),9 true 8.5(342) £70.00 Plastic Wad though.

Cheddite Drago 3” 18g 7.5(254) Don't have a price on these but I bought some from my clay ground.

Gamebore's 410 range is a bit uninspiring on paper and they are all plastic wad.


Winchester do a 3" Super X Mag 20 gram in 4 & 6 shot at £195 a slab!

I seem to remember another 410 available in 24 gram?


I think out of those the Lyalvale 2.5" 7 and the Fiocchi 3" 7.5 are the most interesting.

My Stealth Mossberg says it's OK with plastic wad so I might give them both a try.

Neither are subsonic but I will test them out next time I order some online - my local gun shops are very limited on 410 stuff.


Edited as the Fiocchi's are continental shot sizes, possibly the Cheddite's too but I'm not sure.

Edited by ChrisPCarter
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Yes you are correct 130 #5 2.8mm to 17grams my mistake.


I don't see a .410 as a 35yrd plus gun for game so see no point in using shot sizes larger than 2.4mm. This in my mind would mean discounting #5 & #6 subsonics cartridges as the shot counts are not great compared to #7 (which has more than enough power to kill at 35yrds, infact on paper out to 45yrds), subsonic carts are (in my opinion) no quieter than 2.5" and are substantially more expensive. Subsonics usually cost about £8.50 where as 2.5" eleys/express £6.40.


I do like the Express 14gm #7 carts but not as quiet as Eley Fourlongs. The biggest problem is in finding #7 to start with so that is usually the deciding factor on which make I end up buying.


If shooting over open land my choice would be 3" Fiocchi 2.4mm, but if I'm shooting around buildings or woodland Eley 12.5gm #7 perform very well.


Of course all this could mean nothing in relation to your barrel/choke combination so get the pattern plate out and play!

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Yes you are correct 130 #5 2.8mm to 17grams my mistake.


I don't see a .410 as a 35yrd plus gun for game so see no point in using shot sizes larger than 2.4mm. This in my mind would mean discounting #5 & #6 subsonics cartridges as the shot counts are not great compared to #7 (which has more than enough power to kill at 35yrds, infact on paper out to 45yrds), subsonic carts are (in my opinion) no quieter than 2.5" and are substantially more expensive. Subsonics usually cost about £8.50 where as 2.5" eleys/express £6.40.


I do like the Express 14gm #7 carts but not as quiet as Eley Fourlongs. The biggest problem is in finding #7 to start with so that is usually the deciding factor on which make I end up buying.


If shooting over open land my choice would be 3" Fiocchi 2.4mm, but if I'm shooting around buildings or woodland Eley 12.5gm #7 perform very well.


Of course all this could mean nothing in relation to your barrel/choke combination so get the pattern plate out and play!


I think I agree, it's easy to start comparing them with the larger gauges and forget what it's for.

Like you say it's hard to find 7 shot and all the shops near me just stock 6's so that's what I usually use.

My local clay ground does Cheddite magnum 7.5's but they aren't subsonic and are very loud but fine for practising on the clays.

I am going to order some of the Express 2.5" 7's and try the Fiocchi and Cheddite magnums in 7.5 now I've got a Stealth 410.

I'm sure it's still quieter than using them in my other standard Yildiz 410.

Having cut one open, eley Fourlong in 6 have 112 pellets..


I was going to do that myself last night to check what I worked out!

No wonder I can't hit anything, I've been relying on those missing pellets :lol:

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You may find 3" mags will blow your pattern, I can't remember which as it was years ago but found one brand threw donut shaped patterns which often produced confused sitting rabbits when pellets struck all around them but not one in the center!

I think Hushpowers are all full choked which doesn't help, maybe different in other moderated guns.

If you have a clay ground they may stock Eley 14gm #7.5 Trap which are also good but not as quiet as Fourlongs.

Really it does come down to shooting paper at various ranges to see what is the best shot size/weight combination for your gun.


ATVB Dasher

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Yes I'm going to go spend some time on a pattern plate as it's a new gun and see what I get with different cartridges.

Good opportunity to get someone else to fire them and have a listen too.

My Stealth M500 from York Guns is full choke.


My clay ground stock these Cheddite 24 gram ones! It's amazing there's any room for wad and powder in there.

They don't have the subsonic ones in but I'm sure he would order some for me.

Probably way too much lead and very slow in subsonic?

Might have to try a box, I've used the standard 24g on clays but still hardly hit anything! ha ha



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Yes I'm going to go spend some time on a pattern plate as it's a new gun and see what I get with different cartridges.

Good opportunity to get someone else to fire them and have a listen too.

My Stealth M500 from York Guns is full choke.


My clay ground stock these Cheddite 24 gram ones! It's amazing there's any room for wad and powder in there.

They don't have the subsonic ones in but I'm sure he would order some for me.

Probably way too much lead and very slow in subsonic?

Might have to try a box, I've used the standard 24g on clays but still hardly hit anything! ha ha


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It would be interesting to see how you find these to perform, 12g of shot doesn't exactly inspire confidence..

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  • 1 month later...

I've been testing a lot of these 410 cartridges recently and must have tried all the common ones on the market now.

In my Mossberg Hushpower Pump the quietest I've found are the Eley Fourlong 2.5" #7 and these Express Magnasonic 3" 17g #5. There is very little between the two, with the Magnasonics being just a fraction louder but only just.

In comparison the Eley Magnum 3" Subsonic are way louder and in my opinion one of the loudest!

I'll be sticking to these two from now on as not only are they quiet but they should cover most of the shooting I'm likely to do with a 410. They both seem to pattern quite well too.

If you haven't tried these Express Magnasonics I recommend you give them a try!

Edited by ChrisPCarter
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I've been testing a lot of these 410 cartridges recently and must have tried all the common ones on the market now.

In my Mossberg Hushpower Pump the quietest I've found are the Eley Fourlong 2.5" #7 and these Express Magnasonic 3" 17g #5. There is very little between the two, with the Magnasonics being just a fraction louder but only just.

In comparison the Eley Magnum 3" Subsonic are way louder and in my opinion one of the loudest!

I'll be sticking to these two from now on as not only are they quiet but they should cover most of the shooting I'm likely to do with a 410. They both seem to pattern quite well too.

If you haven't tried these Express Magnasonics I recommend you give them a try!

I'd agree with what you're saying there Chris.

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I've been testing a lot of these 410 cartridges recently and must have tried all the common ones on the market now.

In my Mossberg Hushpower Pump the quietest I've found are the Eley Fourlong 2.5" #7 and these Express Magnasonic 3" 17g #5. There is very little between the two, with the Magnasonics being just a fraction louder but only just.

In comparison the Eley Magnum 3" Subsonic are way louder and in my opinion one of the loudest!

I'll be sticking to these two from now on as not only are they quiet but they should cover most of the shooting I'm likely to do with a 410. They both seem to pattern quite well too.

If you haven't tried these Express Magnasonics I recommend you give them a try!

Brilliant, thanks Chris, need yo track some Magnadonics down, fourlongs sometimes feel a little 'whimpy'... Edited by ElvisThePelvis
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Brilliant, thanks Chris, need yo track some Magnadonics down, fourlongs sometimes feel a little 'whimpy'...

Just Cartridges deliver them if you can't find them locally.

Obviously if you aren't bothered about the noise there are plenty of other magnum options but I don't see the point in having a Hushpower and using loud cartridges in it. These are a lot quieter than the Eley, Fiocchi, Cheddite, Gamebore ones.

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