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Police and C C voting

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Thanks fielddweller I have hardly any info on pcc candidates in my area, just used the link and all but one have an unconfirmed view on shooting. All the people I've spoken to have hardly any info on any candidates.


If you fill in the form it then send them all the prepared email you might get a reply in time,I got 2 out of 4 so far both pro shooting.


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The candidates will court every vote because if as before, there is a low turnout of voters..............they know that every vote counts and consequently they'll probably tell you anything you want to hear in order to scramble aboard the gravy train?

Edited by panoma1
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Had only two responses here in Essex. One isn't actually standing as a candidate and the other (Lib Dem) couldn't really be bothered with an answer. Instead he referred me to his "blog" whatever that may be. That word does not exist as far as I'm concerned. I do not "do" blogs, Facetube or Twotter or any of the so - called social media. Why can't people just communicate in a normal, intelligent manner? If the others can't be bothered then nor can I. I will attend my local polling station but I will deliberately return a spoiled paper. All waste time, effort and money really...

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He stated that shotgun/firearms licencing was the largest enquiry that he had received hence the 'blog'. He is supportive of shooting.


Had only two responses here in Essex. One isn't actually standing as a candidate and the other (Lib Dem) couldn't really be bothered with an answer. Instead he referred me to his "blog" whatever that may be. That word does not exist as far as I'm concerned. I do not "do" blogs, Facetube or Twotter or any of the so - called social media. Why can't people just communicate in a normal, intelligent manner? If the others can't be bothered then nor can I. I will attend my local polling station but I will deliberately return a spoiled paper. All waste time, effort and money really...

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If you're a Gloucestershire resident, the only candidate that seems to hold broadly supportive views on shooting and the shooting community is the present incumbent, Martin Surl, an ex-police officer who wants to keep mainstream party politics out of policing (ie prevent party views on issues affecting PCC decision making on policing). I have tried finding out more on the other two candidates but they seem to me to be more interested in bad mouthing Martin Surl/each other and pushing party views, so the present incumbent may well be your safest bet if you are a Gloucestershire firearms or shotgun certificate holder. There are probably more licence holders in Gloucestershire than people who turned out to vote at the last round of PCC voting, so here's your chance to help improve firearms licensing times and protect shooter's interests by voting today.

Edited by Savhmr
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