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Bye Bye Dave


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But of course he now has nothing to fall back on when something goes wrong, while in the eu he could just say "The big boys made me do it". Now it's all down to whoever leads, and Cameron's not got the bottle.

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I think that we will have another general election in spring next year.


There are very few Tory candidates that could pick up the baton without there being a backlash about an unelected PM.


If Corbyn stays in post then I would say 95% confident about a GE in the spring as presents the least amount of risk of a Labour win.


Might also be a chance to quiet the SNP by actively campaigning under a non Indy Ref' basis.

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If my memory serves me right,,Did not D C pledge to carry on which ever way the vote was cast.???.

If so, He has just thrown his rattle out of the pram..

He was not going to serve Full Term anyway,He told us that,,perhaps another one with a job in the EU

Just like Blaire and Horse

There not any I can think of any that do not have something planned for where they want to go,,

Its in their make up to think that way..Unless they have a train wreck like this..(off guard)..

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This chancer held the eu referendum at the end of a recession to combat ukip pressure . The vote goes against him so he runs off . Quitter . Rubbish PM .

I cant go with that. He held the referendum to balance conflict within the party, maybe supported by a UKIP surge. I feel he has no choice but to go and is staying on post vote, as he said he would' whilst a leader is sought. I have many concerns with a Tory Government but overall I think Our Dave :) did a pretty good job of knitting it all together.

Contrast that to a faux pas riven government you will get from a Trump-esque candidate like Boris.

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He knitted nothing together least of all our country. Played high stakes game with no plan for when he lost. His clumsy stupid campaign guaranteed he would get working people's backs up . Labour were almost as dumb . Well , absent .

Edited by vole
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Can anybody explain why Mrs Camoron was standing to one side looking like a spare part while he made his out door speech?


Wives/husbands/SO's (to be politically correct) have no place in British politics. We didn't vote for them and they should have no place next to whoever it is they're unfortunate to be (semi) permanently linked to whilst that person attends to official business.

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