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  On 24/08/2016 at 08:52, Sian said:

I have to say this is out of character I think for the new owner and with regard to the way you follow the shoot, I have been to quite a few large shoots now where they have done it this way and so long as people actually abide by the order and not do their own thing it has worked very well.

Whilst queue jumping is out of order I think the scorers/refs need to be strong on this,


If the owners put a squad number on the card then the scorers/refs would know who was due next and tell someone out of sequence to go back to where they should be,


After a few shoots it would sink in the it's not right,


As I said the Essex Masters seems to work ok,


I've been twice and not seen a problem



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It's a shame some have had bad experiences but who runs what. When it's a registered then it's surely Orston but when it's that world Sporting surely it's the world sporting guy who runs that? Genuine question I'm asking here because I don't understand what benefit it is to grounds to have others use their grounds. I'm sure it's financial but perhaps someone knows. It obviously changes between squaded and unsquadded depending on what shoot it is as can be seen in the fixtures.

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  On 25/08/2016 at 06:06, Sian said:

It's a shame some have had bad experiences but who runs what. When it's a registered then it's surely Orston but when it's that world Sporting surely it's the world sporting guy who runs that? Genuine question I'm asking here because I don't understand what benefit it is to grounds to have others use their grounds. I'm sure it's financial but perhaps someone knows. It obviously changes between squaded and unsquadded depending on what shoot it is as can be seen in the fixtures.




The shoots are the Grounds responsibility at Orston, they tried something new and it didn't work particularly well.


On top of that, the owner did not like being told it hadn't worked, the World Sporting Representative was attentive and may hopefully be able to use his influence to get things sorted.


Such a shame as the previous three shoots had run like clockwork, which is why the changes stood out and were not necessary.

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  On 24/08/2016 at 11:13, TIGHTCHOKE said:



Unfortunately the Scorers at Orston are usually about 14 and struggle to make decisions let alone rebuff anyone who fails to follow the ground rules.



Previously when properly squadded it worked well, such a shame.

Sorry but I must correct you here no scorers ar 14 at Orston all employees are 16 and above and go through training .All registered shoots are a trapper on every stand .Open shoots are normally squaded ,the last World sporting was a trapper on every stand but unfortunately it's too expensive unless more people tip up to shoot .regarding the price increce that's paid back in the prize fund ( ie £50 not £25 ) ?Its not world sporting that runs the shoot it's Orston Shooting ground ,World Sporting is just a format they use .

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Jasper, I spoke to the Ground Manager at the far end of the site, I spoke to the owner in the Clubhouse with the Ground Manager present who was then contradicted by the owner and then I spoke to the rep from World Sporting too

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