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Radio 2 this lunch time, Mr Vine and ticket holders / Metal Health

Salop Matt

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He did a similar programme about a year ago where he stated that there was no need for anyone to have a gun in this country and that to own a shotgun in the UK you would either have to be a farmer or an armed robber !!

He said it as though it was statement of fact with no consideration whatsoever for shooting as a sport , almost as if it didn't cross his mind that there might be a legitimate use for shotguns .

A Cock Womble indeed .

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Him n that there Packham pillock should be banned as in the BBC charter and rules your not allowed to "push" your own very biased agenda at the BBC <and therefore our>expense .Yet week in week out the vitriolic plonkers spout anti garbage without any censure from those in charge .Wouldn,t listen to either as a matter of principal now as their opinion is law and anyone who disagree,s is obviously deluded :hmm:

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Shootingegg - I heard part of that phone- in and it was pathetic on both sides and as it developed it was clear it had nothing to do with the original flood issue: you had someone who hated badgers and a badger-hugger who would never find common ground sl long as they had a hole in their backsides. Almost felt sorry for JV.

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As a FAC holder with mental health diagnosis and on medication I tried to phone this programme.

As soon as the researcher identified that I was pro shooting and was explaining the many positive benefits of shooting, clear mind, breathing, excersise calmness etc took my details and said would call straight back - never did.

Draw you're own conclusions.



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