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Edgar bros..... Bravo!

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Phoned edgar bros on Wednesday to find out the age of my escort as i required a set of chokes and a choke key as none were supplied with the gun. He said he had plenty keys and would send me one and have a look for any old chokes lying around. Just signed for a package with 5 chokes!! Blimey a complete set. The gent in the armoury wouldnt accept any payment either! Top drawer service from them. Thanks to the 3 gents who messaged me with offers of chokes also, much appriciated gentlemen.

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I don't think they're retailers. They are based near me but don't seem to have facilities for the general public.


They`re not retailers, but they will often help out and sell direct if you contact them. Again they don`t really deal with the general public but I know at least one person who has been down to their offices to pick up a part.


They are a very good advert for "their" product.

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