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MPs approve Brexit


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What the **** are they voting for? We (the majority) made the decision with our votes didn't we?

TBH I'm getting a bit bored of this now, it's like a promised birthday present that never actually arrives 😕 May still has nothing concrete in way of transition or policies moving forward.

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From Tim Farron


"Labour & Tories holding hands towards a hard Brexit, refusing to seek the will of the people on the deal. I want democracy not a stitch up".


What a load of cobblers!


Is that the Tim Farron who is the Liberal Leader with a total of NINE MPs?

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What the **** are they voting for? We (the majority) made the decision with our votes didn't we?

TBH I'm getting a bit bored of this now, it's like a promised birthday present that never actually arrives May still has nothing concrete in way of transition or policies moving forward.


They're voting because of the court case. Had that not been brought about then there would be no need for a vote.

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Tim Farron talking BS as usual.


The court's verdict was purely on a point of law - i.e. that ministers cannot repeal an Act of Parliament under the Royal Prerogative - this is important! That's the way the system works - only Parliament can enact primary legislation, and only Parliament can repeal it.


The European Communities Act 1972 is primary legislation, therefore ONLY Parliament can repeal it - which is, in effect, what invoking Article 50 does.


The verdict made no political point - it was purely ruling on a (vital) point of law.



Parliament has, wisely in my view, voted in line with result of the EU referendum - hard to see how they could do otherwise and still expect to be in a job the next time they are up for election.

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