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The vocal minority...

mick miller

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I've seen the distribution. Funnily enough my constituency is dark, was the only one in the whole region to vote remain, is amongst the best paid and has some the most expensive housing in the county, the only (and Corbyn supporting) Labour MP in the region and at its core it has one of the highest rates of Guardian readership in the country. Much of the vote are those from the University whose Student Union voted to ban Mexican hats during freshers' week (cultural appropriation) and stopped a debate with UKIP as they said there would be trouble (caused by themselves - the President has a conviction for assaulting a police officer at a demo).


But then, I'm a democrat, libertarian and tolerant and I accept they have their point of view and will not stop them going about their business even though it sometimes involves stopping other people going about theirs. Let's hope they can tolerate us shooting.

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if you look at the demonstrations all over the world....they are all more or less the same age...same hair styles and same sort of dress.....very socialist look

Its always been the same, some people go protesting as a hobby. Meet up with all their friends, shout themselves hoarse, then go down the pub to decide where they are going next week.

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