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Advice on ferreting needed


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Now then fellas, I had a good chat with the shoot captain on my biggest permission the other night. He says that i'm doing a good job on the rabbits etc. but come july / august time I wont be able to use the air rifle as it may disrupt the game shooting etc.

But he asked if I could use ferrets instead and also in the winter.

This is something I've been thinking about for a while, but I dont really know much about it, a good shooting buddy of mine is also keen to get into it and is willing to split the cost etc with me also. Any ideas where to start guys? cheers :good:

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The Shooting Times Guide to Ferreting, by Fred J Taylor is a classic, and informative. I'ts getting on a bit now but not too much has changed. Basic gear required is ferrets, a carrying box or bag, purse nets, locator collar and box (some would say essential) and a spade.


The basic premise is that you creep around the warren setting nets over the holes, when this is done you enter ferret and wait. Hopefully ferret wanders down hole, meets rabbit and rabbit makes a sharp exit, to be caught by your nets. Of course, there are other things that may happen...


If you are handy with DIY you can make a strong hutch and carry box, and I would recommend buying nets to start with, you'll need a few depending on the size of the warrens where you are. I reckon 30 is a good starting figure.


It's great fun, can be effective and is quiet. I won't go into the procedure for digging etc but if you need to know more feel free to PM me. I'm in West Yorks so if you need any pointers when you get set up I will happily whizz over and show you the ropes.





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I will give you a run down on my list of ferreting does;


First off find a very willing partner....I had to settle for LB :lol: . Next when you get to the ferreting site be helpful be sure to carry the coffee flasks, and shovel.....the shovel comes into play much later so you will not have to use it as soon as you get there :good: .


Once at the site you will notice that your partner has all the nets and the ferrets. He will set the ferret box down and will start to net up the holes. Very important stay well off to the side and quietly set the shovel down , roll a smoke and pour a cup of joe :) It is best if you stay out of your partners way as he crawls under thorny shrubs and trees, and reaches through nettles, as you do not want to endanger his concentration......remember I had LB.......in anyway. :/:lol:


If after you have finished your coffee and smoke your partner is finished netting up proceed to help put the ferrets down the holes and then be sure to give your partner plenty of room.....after all you dont want him tripping if it is a long run to the net that holds a bolted rabbit. :lol::lol: If he has not finished netting up have another smoke and coffee remember you are the look out for anything out of the ordinary :lol:


If a rabbit happens to pop out close to you....at the net you are watching.....reach down and lift the rabbit net and all for dispatch. :lol: Remember to tell your partner to run over to you and place a new net on the hole. :lol:


If your partner stats to pace back and forth swearing that the ferret has laid up this is a good time to wander behind some bushes to releive yourself....be sure to let him know where you left the spade on your way out ;) Once all cursing....remember I had LB......has stopped it should be time for you to return. :lol::lol:


Repeat as needed :lol:




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^ That's it! Comprehensive and accurately described!


Just waiting for NTTF's new book coming out, entitled "How to remove a feral cat from a long net, at night, with bare hands, no torch and a terrier trying to kill it...."


Haven't laughed so much in ages!

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^ That's it! Comprehensive and accurately described!


Just waiting for NTTF's new book coming out, entitled "How to remove a feral cat from a long net, at night, with bare hands, no torch and a terrier trying to kill it...."


Haven't laughed so much in ages!



Tuck, when your partner at the other end of the net hears the commotion.....and he catches his breath from the run.....remember I had LB :good::lol: ...........he will dive in and sort things out....Just remember while you roll your smoke to tell him a rabbit just hit his half of the net at the far end :lol::lol::lol:



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Just waiting for NTTF's new book coming out, entitled "How to remove a feral cat from a long net, at night, with bare hands, no torch and a terrier trying to kill it...."


Haven't laughed so much in ages!


:lol::lol::lol: thanks for the replies and advice guys, thanks to you NTTF, brightened my day reading that :good: I'll keep you all posted anyways :lol:

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Remember all that smoking will slow you down. :yes: According to many books I have read it is not advisable to smoke when ferreting as the smell can cause rabbits to lie up.



Ferreting this time of year is best avoided for several reasons. The undergrowth is too thick. The ferrets can overheat in their box. The rabbits may be lying up in undergrowth and not underground. Finally there will be more young underground and the ferret will lay up on them. :lol:


Why can't you use the air rifle still? Even an un-moderated springer isn't that loud. :/


FM ;)

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Why can't you use the air rifle still? Even an un-moderated springer isn't that loud. ;)




I'd love to use the air rifle all the time, the shoot captain for the area has told me that I only have until 2nd week in july though until his pheasants come and it becomes an air rifle free zone until october / november I think. Not planning on ferreting straight away, just thinking ahead for winter etc ;)

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  • 4 months later...

I dont advise buying an atractor collar because it will make your patients very short so after about ten mnutes you will be digging yourself into a pit. Instead just keep patient and trust youre ferret. I did what olliedakennard did and trained mine not to lay up, now if they catch them down the whole they just kill them and bring them out or just kill them and leave them. Also try typing in on google ferrets and it will bring up plenty or type in ferreting to lear about ferreting. Thankyou and hope this helps......

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