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My mate sent of his renewals and the got a police letter asking for a docs medical report

So he goes to see his doctor about this and was told by his gp that the British medical board has told doctors not to have anything to do with this anymore

And refused to issue him a report

To send in

My mate had to get this in within 7 days or a delay on his renewal

So he has wrote to police and told them this

I understood that if you want a medical report for some reason or to keep a copy yourself they got to give you one

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He has had a medical problem in the past and been on tablets so he declared that on renewal



that could be why they want a doctors note.

I remember reading, on here I think from someone that had the same problem that if the police don't receive a reply from a Doctor within a certain time frame they assume there is no problem and carry on



think that is 21 days.

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He has had a medical problem in the past and been on tablets so he declared that on renewal

I was on antidepressants in the past and they have never bothered. They originally came out to speak to me as I had guns but they wasn't really that bothered.

They have never mentioned it again in the 5 years since.


I was in the middle of a split and lost my kids temporary

( blooming ex's )

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It does seem to me that if You need Your Dr to give the police a report on Your medical ability to take part in a legal activity, and said Dr refuses to do so, whether a charge is applied or not, your Dr is not acting in your best interest and should possible reported to his practice manager in the first instant and also the BMA (yes I know). If the BMA gets lots of reports of Dr's being charged with misrepresentation it's going to tie their legal team up for years.


Just a thought.

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