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evilbay 10 quid rangefinders


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Posted from china, has anyone had one and did it work?


I really am in two minds over range finders, part of me doesn't want to carry the extra weight and thinks field craft and knowing your perm is the way.



......but the gadget boy inside me keeps telling me its nice to have one and I would know how far I have to walk to fetch the body back.


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Some of the cheap ones.are made for golfers and use the golf pole to calculate the distance, no golf pole then no worky

Not so, point at the ground where you want your next shot placed and read the range. They aren't restricted to just reading the distance of the flagpole

Edited by Delwint
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Some of the cheap ones.are made for golfers and use the golf pole to calculate the distance, no golf pole then no worky

yup i had one of those, it estimated the distance on the average length of a golf 'hole' flag post,

you could enter the height of a marker post (etc) at the range you were aiming for but if you knew that then i guess you'd had a pretty good idea of the range also


pointless unless you need one for golf :good:

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