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SGC Application: odd question?


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Okay, here's a slightly off-centre question. I've searched the heel out of this and haven't found anything that even gets close to it, so here goes...


I'm about to put in for a SGC and appreciate that the previous convictions declaration is partly an honesty test. Many years ago after some general drunken boisterousness I appeared before the magistrate. I'm talking around 30 years ago and all I can really remember is that we walked away having been given a talking to. In truth I can'tr remember what we were charged with and what the outcome was. It was either a conditional discharge or a bounding over.


Also, around 40 years ago I gave a mate a lift on my bike when on a provisional licence and got stopped. Again, I can't remember the details of it.


I did think about doing a Subject Access Request to find out details of these, but I'm not sure if they'll show up because of the age of them. I also wasn't sure whether doing a SAR would be viewed dimly when it came to time to put the application in. I don't want to try and evade the issue, but also I don't think it'll look good if I state that @some time ago I did get nicked but I can't remember what the offence was of what the outcome was.


Searching the t'interweb does imply I'm the only person who forgets about things that, until the SGC application, were insignificant!


Any ideas?



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Well if they aren't shown on a SAR how would FEO know? Except you posted them in public here......



As above try and put a year and something like "to the best of me recollection" that long ago there may have been no paperwork particularly re the bike unless fined.

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I would put it down with rough dates and leave it at that.

On my feo visit he knew about all the early morning calls id had at the house from half of the armed response team of the county. Nothing to do with me but we did have a laugh about it.

So regardless I think they will always find out.


I'm sure the tin hat brigade will be along in a minute

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