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Good Couple of Days


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Every year Poker Stars runs a series of tournaments called SCOOP (Spring Championship of Online Poker). Every year I play a few of the low buy in events and I've never had any real success. I might have cashed in a couple for very minor amounts but that's all.


Thursday afternoon I was back from work in time to play one of my favourite games (2-7 Triple Draw). The game started at 5pm and I set off with a not particularly great start breaking about even after the first hour or so. But I hung in and accumulated a few chips and slowly the hours drifted by. Because of how long these games can run they are usually stopped after a set number of levels. In this case 32x15 minutes. Well at 2am this morning the field of 1808 players had narrowed to just 19 and yours truly was still in it.


I grabbed 2 hours of sleep and went to work returning mid afternoon today. I really wanted to have a quick kip this afternoon but I was worried about sleeping through the alarm so I I stayed awake until the 5pm restart.


I had a decent start and slowly the field fell away until we reached the final table of just 6 players. Long story short (yeah I know, too late) I managed to finish in 2nd place. A bit disappointed not to have won but more than happy with my 13 hours of play.




By far the biggest cash of my poker career, even with 20% removed because of a deal I had with a poker playing friend.


So I'm very tired but very happy right now.





Also had the fun of playing against an online poker legend Isildur1. A super high stakes player (not sure why he was slumming it in a $27 buy in)



Edited by Danger-Mouse
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that's really good, what makes you become a good player? And is it as fair as real poker, meaning random cards instead of electronic?




Reading about the game, knowing the odds, observing the other players to help you make good decisions, and actually playing. Having patience and not being rattled, or tilted as poker players call it, when things go against you.


The RNG (random number generators) used to determine cards are very good. Not truely random but very close. It's just as fair as playing with a real deck of cards.

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It's nice to win something now and again . I have only had one decent win in my lifetime . About 20 years ago was in a casino in Niagara Falls with my two cousins . This was the first time I had ever been in a casino and was green as grass as to playing the one arm bandits . I was playing a dollar slot machine and allowed myself 100 dollars to play with if I lost that ,then I was not going to gamble anymore. I had got about half way through my stake money and I hit the jack pot which was 5 thousand dollars . The machines don't pay out the big wins ,they freeze and a bell rings and a blue light flashes . When this happens an attendant comes over check how much you have won and goes away to the cashier and bring you back the cash in dollar bills . When the attendant came back she paid me out 15,000 dollars . I thought she had made a mistake as I was expecting a win of 5000dollars . She explained to me that I had been pressing the three coin button which was a bet of 3 dollars per spin which tripled the win to 15,000 dollars . Talk about lucky . Never happend again .



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It's nice to win something now and again . I have only had one decent win in my lifetime . About 20 years ago was in a casino in Niagara Falls with my two cousins . This was the first time I had ever been in a casino and was green as grass as to playing the one arm bandits . I was playing a dollar slot machine and allowed myself 100 dollars to play with if I lost that ,then I was not going to gamble anymore. I had got about half way through my stake money and I hit the jack pot which was 5 thousand dollars . The machines don't pay out the big wins ,they freeze and a bell rings and a blue light flashes . When this happens an attendant comes over check how much you have won and goes away to the cashier and bring you back the cash in dollar bills . When the attendant came back she paid me out 15,000 dollars . I thought she had made a mistake as I was expecting a win of 5000dollars . She explained to me that I had been pressing the three coin button which was a bet of 3 dollars per spin which tripled the win to 15,000 dollars . Talk about lucky . Never happend again .


Sweet as, nice one,



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Not my scene at all but there was a bloke on the radio this week saying he makes over £100k a year playing internet poker against the drunks on a Saturday night.


He makes it sound very easy. The reality is probably that he grinds 8 or more tables at a time for long hours each day. Internet poker is a very tough environment with pro players at almost every level, even the micro stakes games.


I would love to earn a living playing poker, I would have to play those dummy games for a long time to give myself a chance.


It sounds like a great idea but the as the saying goes "It's a hard way to make an easy living".


The reality is that you will spend hour upon hour staring at a screen whilst you play multiple games of poker. Whether you choose to play tournaments or cash games you will most likely have at least 6 tables running simultaneously and that's the lower end on the scale, a lot of pros will have 10 or 12, possibly even more going at the same time.


If you opt to play tournaments then you could go months without hitting a decent score. You can go days or weeks without even having a winning day. My friend is a poker pro and he has had his fair share of ups and downs. Around Sept. time last year he came third in a big tournament and won $70,000 and he's won $20-30k on several occasions. However a couple of years back his records for that year saw him losing $6,000 over the course of the year. Imagine working for an entire year and ending up losing money! The big day for internet poker is Sunday and it's not unusual for him to finish the day losing $1,000 or more and he's not even what you'd call a high roller.


To be a tournament pro you need a very tough mentality to survive the downswings. Day after day of losing will make you doubt your abilities. That in turn can stop you playing your optimal game and lead to further losses and further doubts.


If you play cash games your win rate will be steadier but you can still go through bad patches where nothing seems to right and you can lose serious amounts of money. Lose your temper, go on tilt and before you know it you can have done some serious damage to your bankroll.

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