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Video Editing Software


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I have just been getting into this, depends on what video you are wanting to edit the higher the quality the more time it will take to edit. i have a 4k camera on my drone, .i had to go out and buy another faster computer, as the rendering time was very slow.


Not massively high quality. The video is 1 hour 45 minutes long and size is only 163MB.

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Not massively high quality. The video is 1 hour 45 minutes long and size is only 163MB.

What the hell did you film that on?? I regularly edit shooting videos that end up being 3-5mins in length and they're nearly double that size using a Contour action camera. I don't even think I use in in 1080p so the files are easier to deal with and the 720p gives a better aspect ratio for what I'm filming.


Windows Movie Maker is free and pretty easy to use. I only stopped using it when I switched to a camera that saves in .MOV files and at the time they weren't supported by WMM, but I think that's changed now. I currently use Iskysoft, I think it was $20 or so

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Cheers for all the replies guys. :good:


What the hell did you film that on??


I didn't film it so I can't tell you. It's only a video of an online poker tournament so it's not like you need amazing definition to make it watchable.




As the screenshot shows, the quality is more than good enough for purpose.

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