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open cert request


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We don't get 22cf passed with staffs. I can't have .222 50 but 223 ??? I know I know it's stupid.


He rang me saying he's got a chicken farm but needs it passing. I said it's already passed 12 months ago for 22 hornet.

He had a call saying it's passed 22lr for him .


Messed up.


I've another piece passed to 30/06 for the owner but they won't clear it over 243 for me. :/

They are wrong.


Ring them and ask quite clearly 'what maximum calibre has this land been cleared for'

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They are wrong.


Ring them and ask quite clearly 'what maximum calibre has this land been cleared for'


Absolutely. It's "land deemed suitable by chief officer." Nothing about depending on who you are. It's either deemed suitable or it isn't.

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All forces are different so you might be lucky. Give them all the information you can like number of times you've been out, what you've shot and so on.


Not sure what you mean about emailing permission letters. On a closed certificate, as long as you have permission and the land is cleared, you don't need to inform your firearms people of each bit of land, unless they've put some extra conditions on your ticket. Normally it's just "Land deemed suitable by chief officer."


Agreed if the land isn't already cleared it's a pain.


Hi Thanks,

I've got exactly same on my certificate, but i was told to email the signed permission form with calibers am allowed on it to the dept, so they can add it to my record... therefore i've been going through this procedure.. everytime i get new perm...

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there is a new piece of land i got which was outside my county, and they said they not sure if it is cleared up to 243, therefore they put in a request to specific firearms team of that county, and after 2 months i chased them along asking if i can get open certificate, and got a reply:

"We have a problem where other forces do not do land clearances for us anymore. If when you send the FAC in for open condition we can sort that out again"

If there a land within reach of my FEO, he is very good and normally get clear it as soon as he can.. so far had to get 1 land clear, and it took me around 5 days to get it cleared and he told me you good to use ur 243 here from now on.

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Hi Thanks,

I've got exactly same on my certificate, but i was told to email the signed permission form with calibers am allowed on it to the dept, so they can add it to my record... therefore i've been going through this procedure.. everytime i get new perm...


I've heard of some forces trying this on but i really can't see how it's enforceable or even why they try to add their own conditions meaning more work for everyone.


For example: You get permission on a new plot of land. That land is already cleared for whatever calibre you are using or above. You shoot there but don't send the paperwork in. You are still complying with the conditions on your certificate word for word as you have permission to shoot there and it is deemed suitable by chief officer of police.


I'm not advocating winding your firearms team by ignoring their request, but I'd certainly question it as it has no legal bearing whatsoever.

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