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Finding extra part time autocad work


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Long and short of it is that i have been doing autocad as a sideline for the past 5 years for a HVAC (air conditioning)  consultant who has recently retired so i now need to find extra work, he was a family member so i had no problem finding the work initially but now i have to actively go out and search for potential clients, i want to preferably stick with HVAC layouts as i have all the templates and blocks already and that's what i know  but at the end of the day work is work so am open to alternatives.

I know i can search in google and get a list of potential clients but whats the best way of approach, i am thinking emails will probably either be deleted and not read, or read by the office clerk or whatever and deleted. Is a letter of inquiry  on company headed  paper now outdated? I know there are plenty of business owners on here, any advice?

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I'd just send E-Mails mate and hopefully you will land one on the right companies desk at the right time. As a company we always acknowledge E-Mails at least and spend a couple mins scanning or reading them whereas letters don't usually make it past the receptionist.

We have had dozens of E-Mails that have been ignored over the last few months as we didn't need anyone. A guy E-Mailed last week and it was the right time and he had a lot of BIM / ArchiCAD experience that stood him in good stead so he go an interview.

Do you use Revit at all or any other 3D software? Most HVAC / Mechanical / Refrig companies we use nowadays have adopted BIM and going that route but that's mainly on Industrial / Commercial projects.

What sort of work do you normally do Domestic, Commercial or Retail etc? I don't think you'd struggle to get some freelance work if you tap up a company busy enough! It Give them flexibility during busy periods without the permanent overhead..



Edited by evolution380
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i did layouts for mainly large retail shops, the consultant was London based and mainly did layouts for tenders for large high street stores, there are other consultants that do work for the retail company and my details have been passed on but they probably already have there own people . I did start to learn Revit a couple of years ago as the main client was thinking of moving from 2d to 3d but it never came off so i didn't pursue it at the time.

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If not limiting it to construction projects the local Architects/Planning Consultants usually need drawings/plans drwn up to meet the needs of the Planning/Highway Authority.

The detail required is usually straight forward but.many are done poorly requiring redoing and annotating correctly.

Can only be worth investigating/calling in with your details.


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12 minutes ago, Loki said:


If not limiting it to construction projects the local Architects/Planning Consultants usually need drawings/plans drwn up to meet the needs of the Planning/Highway Authority.

The detail required is usually straight forward but.many are done poorly requiring redoing and annotating correctly.

Can only be worth investigating/calling in with your details.


good idea thanks mate

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