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End of probationary period


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End of probationary period.

Thread: End of probationary period.

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  1. Scotty1980's Avatar

    Scotty1980 said:Today 11:39

    End of probationary period.

    It’s only a matter of weeks until I am at the end of my probationary period at my local rifle club and I’m starting to think that it’s time to start getting a few things in place.

    First job is to buy a new cabinet and sell my current one, something big enough to get my shotgun in and an extra couple of rifles plus top box.

    One question I have is, it’s almost a guarantee that I will get a closed licence that I can only use at the club(s)

    Obviously the first thing I am going to want to do is get out and do some paid stalks with my own rifle! So what’s the best way to get a less restrictive licence? Book a DSC1? would I have to pass before I send in my application? 

    Book/attend some days stalking?

    Advice welcome.
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6 minutes ago, Scotty1980 said:

One question I have is, it’s almost a guarantee that I will get a closed licence that I can only use at the club(s)


Unless you have cleared land to shoot on, for the calibres you will apply for, your cert will most definitely be closed, and probably would be even if you did.
Certs will only be opened when you can demonstrate experience, a DSC will help, but is no guarantee.
You can only apply for calibres that you can demonstrate good reason for, if your club shoots those calibres, all well and good.
Surely someone at the club will have explained all this though ?

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As above you will need cleared land to shoot on otherwise you will be stuck with target only until you do. Most (but not all) FACs are "closed" to begin with. If it is, you'll just have to put up with it for a while till you gain more experience. There's no quick and easy way round this, and to be honest I think it's a good idea as there is a lot of difference between targets and live quarry.

I'd also recommend starting on smaller stuff than deer to build your fieldcraft and experience. Going straight from targets to deer is a big step. Rabbits are always a good starting point. 

Take it step by step. Don't try to run before you can walk. 

Edited by walshie
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To enable you to shoot live quarry such as deer, you will need to apply for such on the application form and will be required to demonstrate that you have good reason for this to be granted.

Your "good reason" can be our own ground, ground you have authority to shoot over or, as you say, "paid stalks" or invitations.

Your issuing authority will require you to supply proof of invitations or bookings and may well require you to show bookings of past stalking outings for which you could use an estate rifle.

My suggestion would be to get a couple of stalks booked and completed now and book a couple more for the future, then once your probationary time is up and you apply for your FAC you can request stalking as you will, by then, have everything in place.

I would also suggest you read the relevant sections in the Home Office publication "Guidance on Firearms Licensing Law" for a better insight. It's linked as a sticky on this forum.

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Do you have a trust worthy mate with a open fac himself who would be willing to take you out with him on cleared land? It's a hassel (maybe) on his behalf,  to sort with police and landowners permission but its another way of doing it. Good way of gaining experence which is what they want before setting you loose. I got mine through this way but it did take a year to clear my .22 and .222 but then I was on it daily through the job at the time and never chased them to get it taken off as I used everything in the work arsenal as and when :) (supervised) 

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On 16/01/2018 at 12:26, Rewulf said:

Surely someone at the club will have explained all this though ?

Hi bud,

I have had a chat with a few chaps down the club,  but some of the chaps down there only do target shooting, some just shoot back powder,  just thought I would get a few more appinions from you guys. 


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17 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

Do you have a trust worthy mate with a open fac himself?

No bud, I haven't got a single friend that's into shooting! their all into football and the like.

I'm making a few good acquaintances at the club, so we will see what happens there.

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50 minutes ago, Scotty1980 said:

Epperstone rifle club.

I go to Epperstone, but theres different clubs use it on different nights, I go Monday or Tuesday (sometimes!)
If I were you, get whatever calibres you can for target use there, and get some range experience (its a bit different when its your gun.
Once you have your ticket, try and acquire some cleared land, the farmer usually knows what its cleared for ,but a check with your FEO will tell you, be prepared for lots of knock backs !
Present yourself right, show you have some insurance, offering pigeon control with shotgun first is a good idea, before showing up with full bores :yes:
Forget about open tickets for now, and just try to get some experience with pest control and fieldcraft, even if its with an air rifle.

Edited by Rewulf
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22 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

Do you have a trust worthy mate with a open fac himself who would be willing to take you out with him on cleared land? It's a hassel (maybe) on his behalf,  to sort with police and landowners permission but its another way of doing it. Good way of gaining experence which is what they want before setting you loose. I got mine through this way but it did take a year to clear my .22 and .222 but then I was on it daily through the job at the time and never chased them to get it taken off as I used everything in the work arsenal as and when  (supervised) 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I always thought that if you had an ‘open’ FAC, the holder can shoot any land he/she has permission to shoot over without needing to seek police approval.

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On 17/01/2018 at 17:32, old'un said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but I always thought that if you had an ‘open’ FAC, the holder can shoot any land he/she has permission to shoot over without needing to seek police approval.

Yes yes quite right, what I was trying to get across is (and after re-reading it, not a very good job from me) not somebody else without a open ticket ( which would be under supervision themself too in theory) so potentially theyd be 1 teacher/supervisor and 2 learners.

Also when I was under supervision for my .222 I had to have my bosses name on my ticket as it stated I could only use that calibre on land cleared for both of us under direct supervision from him. Was quite a few years ago now so might if of changed?

I've always found when trying to teach others to shoot (the basics anyway) that anything over 1-1 basis always turns into a nightmare and they will always try and out shoot their ability which then is the reason they'd be under supervision for either stupid/unsafw shots. Then it's embarrassing ********** a grown man / woman.


I'd also recommend getting .22rf as I found that was easier to get open? 

Anybody else start with .22rf or .22mag? 

after reading all that it still don't sound right. Oh well....

On 17/01/2018 at 17:04, Rewulf said:

Forget about open tickets for now, and just try to get some experience with pest control and fieldcraft, even if its with an air rifle.

just re read that 

spot on :good:

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