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The BBC’s Yellowstone National Park


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I like Wildlife programmes; I grew up watching them, but I much prefer to see the Wildlife than the presenters. Started to watch the above tonight ( missed the first episode ) but there seemed to be just as much footage of the presenters as footage of Wildlife.

I don’t mind Kate Humble but I’d rather hear her than see her, but what really peed me off was when they started banging on about climate change and the effect it will have on the Wildlife. 

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19 minutes ago, Scully said:

what really peed me off was when they started banging on about climate change and the effect it will have on the Wildlife. 

I agree - but I  think it a sure sign that the man made climate change believers/moneymakers are starting to loose the battle that it is man made, as some scientists are starting to question their "proofs"

Edited by Yellow Bear
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I watched one the other week about the ocean floor under the ice, and one of the scientists after re-emerging from her submersible stated that the life forms ( after pulling up tufts to study ) were very scarce and their environment very fragile. Must admit my first thought was ‘well leave it alone then.’

I really enjoy the Blue Planet programmes, but they’re spoiled for me by the incessant harping on about climate change/global warming. 


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Its not often you hear 'global warming ' these days, its all 'climate change'
I usually say to the proponents of such, by what level ?
How much hotter or cooler has it got over what period of time ?
Never mind the 'man made ' aspect, its rare for them to give a definitive answer, or an answer at all most of the time.

The usual retort is 'it just has' or 'everyone knows its getting warmer'   'all the scientists say so'   'its on telly'

Sometimes I refer them to this 


Or this 


Climate change, of course theres climate change, we have seasons for a start, thats climate change, and there isnt a damn thing you can do about it.


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1 minute ago, Yellow Bear said:

Except if you are a scientist, pundit, or "green energy" business man and then you can make a pile of money, which is why so many have jumped on the bandwaggon.

Definitely, but its wearing thin these days.
Who wasnt looking forward to Spain like climates in Lancashire !

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