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Daily Mail Scratch cards


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1 minute ago, krugerandsmith said:


Has anyone successfully  removed the  panel covers without also removing the hidden numbers underneath?  .




Surely no one will answer that? It would virtually be an admission that you actually buy/read the Daily Fail! :sick:

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1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

Darn it , you got me

Was hoping someone would post saying they had tried ;-)

Aren't you the wag!

Anyway, just to reduce the amount of earache that I was receiving from my wife on how useless these scratch cards are, this morning I set to with a hobby scalpel and a light touch to reveal todays numbers.

Good news - this technique works!

Bad news - I didn't win, and worse still, my wife informs me that I had better do it in future. :unhappy:

The moral of the story is, never show your wife that you are better at a job that she had been doing before, otherwise you will get lumbered with it.

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