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Native Plants that look similar to Himalayan Balsam


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Just been dragging some windblow/timber out the bottom of a wood and noticed a lot of pink flowers.

Been googling Himalayan Balsam and i have seen it before but just been a few years, it does look very similar but pretty sure its not (stem greener, leaves seem hairy and only growing 2-3ft high, the only flower i picked for comparing has 7 petals if that makes a difference) That area does lie into a road so it is a likely place for it to spread along

Wot are the most likely native species likely to be?? I'm pretty sure its native just a bit paranoid about plants like that, atleast not *** bad as JKW

Ps i'm rubbish with computer so putting a photo of the flower would probably take me all day. ?



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Cheers JDog, thought this might be 1 for u ?

Its definately not JKW, found and treated some at a mates place a couple of years ago. He never knew wot it was a big clump 6-8ft hign not veryy far from the back of his shed.

Just about got it wiped out now, think this is the 3 year of spraying, not been to bad to kill considering how much there was, but he's keeping an eye on it.


It could be balsalm, i don't think it grows as high up here, i know where there are/was a few clumps but about 20 miles away.

Its real easy pulled too like HB.

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30 minutes ago, scotslad said:



Just been dragging some windblow/timber out the bottom of a wood and noticed a lot of pink flowers.

Been googling Himalayan Balsam and i have seen it before but just been a few years, it does look very similar but pretty sure its not (stem greener, leaves seem hairy and only growing 2-3ft high, the only flower i picked for comparing has 7 petals if that makes a difference) That area does lie into a road so it is a likely place for it to spread along

Wot are the most likely native species likely to be?? I'm pretty sure its native just a bit paranoid about plants like that, atleast not *** bad as JKW

Ps i'm rubbish with computer so putting a photo of the flower would probably take me all day. ?



sound like campion


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U may be right there, cheers.

I had a quick google and ur almost spot on with campion, althou the leafs don't look quite right. and stalks seem a wee bit greener. But definately very close

I'm just away out again so i'll try to find some better pictures of it when i come back.

Cheers again

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7 hours ago, scotslad said:



Just been dragging some windblow/timber out the bottom of a wood and noticed a lot of pink flowers.

Been googling Himalayan Balsam and i have seen it before but just been a few years, it does look very similar but pretty sure its not (stem greener, leaves seem hairy and only growing 2-3ft high, the only flower i picked for comparing has 7 petals if that makes a difference) That area does lie into a road so it is a likely place for it to spread along

Wot are the most likely native species likely to be?? I'm pretty sure its native just a bit paranoid about plants like that, atleast not *** bad as JKW

Ps i'm rubbish with computer so putting a photo of the flower would probably take me all day. ?



if you take the picture on your phone its really easy now to upload them, just press the click to choose files below, go to your photos, select the one you want, then it appears just press the plus symbol then add any text.

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Cheers folks.


I'd definately say Campion, had a good look at some still growing en situ which looks more like the photos, to be fair the 1 i brought up was a bit battered and bruised as some tools got 'carefully' stacked on top of it in the bike trailer coming up a steep banking

I was mistaken with the 7 petals, the campion seems to have 5 but sort of doubles when u look close, i never looked close enough and must of lost a few halfs too.


So cheers again folks, i really should have know better as spotted a few more clumps elsewhere in the woods in places that HB would never get transported too.

I'll have to have a good look at some HB clumps next time i'm passing some


As an aside when got some well educated plant folk reading.

I must admit i never knew u got pink/red flowers on Hawthorn trees, but got 1 tree/stem that has both pink and white flowers, it used to be 50/50 ish mibee 5 yrs ago but last 2 yrs almost all white (normal ) flowers. Must admit it does look quite cool with both flowers but i do like the pink 1's is that normal or a hybrid tree?

And is there anything i can do to encourage them rather than the white 1's?

Thats the hawthorn only just coming out up here


Finally how many colours of foxglove do u get?? Got some quite nice white 1's here, i'd never seen them before, are they common/rare?

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