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Blood pockets in Cocker's ears


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My 8 year old  dog cocker is having trouble with blood pockets  now in both ears.   Originally the problem started following an ear infection in early spring, I think it has cost me five  vet visits so far to cure infection and clear mites.  Most recent a week ago was draining ears , one being to solid to drain the other was completely cleared.   Now the cleared one is filling up again and looks as if the only cure is going to be an operation.  Any body had this done to their dog and is it a success?


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Yes, my old choco lab Muffin had the same problem and his ears swelled to huge proportions, eventually a biggish op to not only drain but I think they opened up and sealed the pipework as well seeing the large incision but from then on no problem and did not recurr.    A week or so with a plastic bucket collar on and he was back to normal.

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Bruno I have been treating him with Thornit, and washing with weak vinegar solution so I think original problem is cured.   Having said all that, as well as shaking due to ear infection dog also does this when excited, ie when he sees me first time in the morning.



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Yes had this with one of my cockers. 

For want of a better description, it was a cauliflower ear and filled up with blood overnight, drained it the following day and then same again, filled up overnight.

Vet was the only remedy, and they stitched the membrane of the ear together, and no further problems

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I have had it in spaniels and labs and after many expensive vets bills decided to google it when I next got it. Found a brilliant article by an American vet saying draining is totally unnecessary but cannot find it sorry. It will sort itself out in time although they get a bit of a cauliflower ear. Followed his article and no problem thereafter. You do though have to treat the underlying problem to stop the head shaking being mites, infection or whatever. Pets at home do drops very cheaply that I have used successfully. I also regularly use an alcohol based cleaner on my dogs ears. I act immediately I see head shaking or excessive scratching/rubbing to prevent the problem in the first place

i am no vet so not qualified to advise I am simply commenting from personal experience.

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Thanks Dave, I think I  do have the underlying problem solved.   Other than as in my previous post my morning greeting is a violent ear drum roll.   Where are you in D  and G  give me a Pm its one of my favourite places and back there in September..


Cheers Blackpowder


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2 hours ago, Blackpowder said:

Thanks Dave, I think I  do have the underlying problem solved.   Other than as in my previous post my morning greeting is a violent ear drum roll.   Where are you in D  and G  give me a Pm its one of my favourite places and back there in September..


Cheers Blackpowder


I live in Kelton near Glencaple

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